首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research >Contested dominance modifies the anovulatory consequences of social subordination in female marmosets

Contested dominance modifies the anovulatory consequences of social subordination in female marmosets




Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such disparity in female fertility is not absolute, and groups with two breeding females have been described. The data reported here were obtained from 8 female-female pairs of captive female marmosets, each housed with a single unrelated male. Pairs were classified into two groups: "uncontested" dominance (UD) and "contested" dominance (CD), with 4 pairs each. Dominant females in UD pairs showed significantly higher frequencies (4.1) of agonism (piloerection, attack and chasing) than their subordinates (0.36), and agonistic behaviors were overall more frequently displayed by CD than by UD pairs. Subordinates in CD pairs exhibited more agonistic behavior (2.9) than subordinates in UD pairs (0.36), which displayed significantly more submissive (6.97) behaviors than their dominants (0.35). The data suggest that there is more than one kind of dominance relationship between female common marmosets. Assessment of progesterone levels showed that while subordinates in UD pairs appeared to be anovulatory, the degree of ovulatory disruption in subordinates of CD pairs was more varied and less complete. We suggest that such variation in female-female social dominance relationships and the associated variation in the degree and reliability of fertility suppression may explain variations of the reproductive condition of free-living groups of common marmosets.
机译:雌性mos猴的优势地位反映在激动行为和卵巢功能上。具有社会主导地位的女性在表现出正常排卵功能的同时,接受下属的顺从行为。但是,下属的雌性从显性中得到激动,而排卵功能却降低或缺失。这种女性生育率的差异不是绝对的,已经描述了有两名育种雌性的群体。此处报道的数据是从8对成对雌性圈养雌性小mos猴中获得的,每只雌性圈闭有一个不相关的雄性。配对分为两组:“无争议”优势(UD)和“有争议”优势(CD),每对4对。 UD对中占主导地位的女性比其下属(0.36)表现出更高的激动(立毛,攻击和追逐)频率(4.1),并且与UD对相比,总体而言,CD表现出更高的激动行为。 CD对中的下属比UD对中的下属(0.36)表现出更多的激动行为(2.9),后者比显性(0.35)表现出更多的顺从(6.97)行为。数据表明,雌性普通mar猴之间存在一种以上的主导关系。孕酮水平的评估表明,虽然UD对中的下属似乎是无排卵的,但CD对中下属的排卵破坏程度却变化较大且不完整。我们认为,这种女性-女性社会支配关系的变化以及抑制生育力的程度和可靠性的相关变化可以解释普通common猴自由生活群体的生殖状况变化。



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