
Somatic gene therapy for hypertension




Gene therapy for hypertension is needed for the next generation of antihypertensive drugs. Current drugs, although effective, have poor compliance, are expensive and short-lasting (hours or one day). Gene therapy offers a way to produce long-lasting antihypertensive effects (weeks, months or years). We are currently using two strategies: a) antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODN) and b) antisense DNA delivered in viral vectors to inhibit genes associated with vasoconstrictive properties. It is not necessary to know all the genes involved in hypertension, since many years of experience with drugs show which genes need to be controlled. AS-ODN are short, single-stranded DNA that can be injected in naked form or in liposomes. AS-ODN, targeted to angiotensin type 1 receptors (AT1-R), angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin converting enzyme, and ?1-adrenergic receptors effectively reduce hypertension in rat models (SHR, 2K-1C) and cold-induced hypertension. A single dose is effective up to one month when delivered with liposomes. No side effects or toxic effects have been detected, and repeated injections can be given. For the vector, adeno-associated virus (AAV) is used with a construct to include a CMV promoter, antisense DNA to AGT or AT1-R and a reporter gene. Results in SHR demonstrate reduction and slowing of development of hypertension, with a single dose administration. Left ventricular hypertrophy is also reduced by AAV-AGT-AS treatment. Double transgenic mice (human renin plus human AGT) with high angiotensin II causing high blood pressure, treated with AAV-AT1-R-AS, show a normalization of blood pressure for over six months with a single injection of vector. We conclude that ODNs will probably be developed first because they can be treated like drugs for the treatment of hypertension with long-term effects. Viral vector delivery needs more engineering to be certain of its safety, but one day may be used for a very prolonged control of blood pressure.
机译:下一代抗高血压药物需要用于高血压的基因疗法。当前的药物尽管有效,但依从性差,价格昂贵且持续时间短(数小时或一天)。基因疗法提供了一种产生持久性降压作用(数周,数月或数年)的方法。我们目前正在使用两种策略:a)反义寡聚脱氧核苷酸(AS-ODN)和b)病毒载体中传递的反义DNA,以抑制与血管收缩特性相关的基因。由于多年的药物治疗经验表明需要控制哪些基因,因此不必知道所有与高血压有关的基因。 AS-ODN是短的单链DNA,可以裸露形式或脂质体形式注射。 AS-ODN靶向1型血管紧张素受体(AT1-R),血管紧张素原(AGT),血管紧张素转化酶和β1-肾上腺素能受体,可有效降低大鼠模型(SHR,2K-1C)和高血压引起的高血压。与脂质体一起递送时,单剂有效期长达一个月。没有发现副作用或毒性作用,可以重复注射。对于载体,将腺伴随病毒(AAV)与构建体一起使用,以包括CMV启动子,针对AGT或AT1-R的反义DNA和报道基因。 SHR的结果表明,单次给药可以降低和减缓高血压的发展。 AAV-AGT-AS治疗还可减轻左心室肥大。用AAV-AT1-R-AS治疗的,具有高血管紧张素II导致高血压的双转基因小鼠(人肾素加人AGT)在一次注射载体后六个月内血压即可正常化。我们得出结论,ODN可能会首先开发出来,因为它们可以像治疗高血压的药物一样具有长期疗效。病毒载体的递送需要更多的工程技术来确定其安全性,但是一天可以用于非常长的血压控制。



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