首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Geology >Geochemistry and sedimentary provenance of the Upper Cretaceous Uberaba Formation (Southeastern Tri?¢ngulo Mineiro, MG, Brazil)

Geochemistry and sedimentary provenance of the Upper Cretaceous Uberaba Formation (Southeastern Tri?¢ngulo Mineiro, MG, Brazil)

机译:上白垩统Uberaba组的地球化学和沉积物来源(巴西MG,东南Tri?ngulo Mineiro东南)



The campanian Uberaba Formation, which crops out around the homonymous town, is composed of greenish lithic sandstones and conglomerates with possible volcanoclastic contribution. In this unit, heavy minerals such as ilmenite, garnet, perovskite and magnetite, besides clinopyroxene, plagioclase, quartz, calcite and apatite, are found. The Uberaba Formation geochemistry is marked by high grades of Ba, Ta, La, Nb and Th, with flat (no Eu anomaly) and highly fractionated (La N /Yb N = ca. 128) chondrite-normalized rare earth elements. Mineral chemistry analyses of detrital garnets from the Uberaba Formation indicate the predominance of chorlomite with an affinity to crustal garnets (G3). The sedimentary provenance of the Uberaba Formation corresponds to a mixing of materials from the alkaline districts of the Alto Parana?-ba and from the erosion of the Serra Geral Formation and the Canastra and Arax?? groups. Diamond-producing conglomerates which crop out nearby, in Romaria, were considered by some authors as correlated to the Uberaba Formation. However, the composition of garnets recovered from those conglomerates is different, plotting in the field of mantle garnets (G9/G10). We consider, then, that those units are not correlated, and that the Uberaba Formation is not a possible source for the alluvial diamonds found in the homonymous river.
机译:坎帕尼亚Uberaba组在同名城镇周围生长,由绿色的石质砂岩和砾岩组成,可能具有火山碎屑作用。在该装置中,除了斜辉石,斜长石,石英,方解石和磷灰石外,还发现了重矿物,例如钛铁矿,石榴石,钙钛矿和磁铁矿。乌贝拉巴组的地球化学特征是高品位的钡,钽,镧,铌和Th,具有平坦的(无Eu异常)和高度分馏(La N / Yb N =约128)的球粒陨石归一化稀土元素。乌贝拉巴组碎屑石榴石的矿物化学分析表明,主要具有与地壳石榴石(G3)亲和力的绿云母。 Uberaba组的沉积物源与Alto Parana?-ba碱性地区的材料以及Serra Geral组以及Canastra和Arax的侵蚀形成的混合物相对应。组。一些作者认为,在罗马里亚附近种植的产钻石大集团与乌贝拉巴组有关。但是,从这些集团中回收的石榴石的组成却有所不同,在地幔石榴石(G9 / G10)领域颇有建树。因此,我们认为这些单位是不相关的,并且在同名河中发现的冲积钻石可能不是Uberaba组。



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