首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery >Repair of Double Orifice Left AV Valve (DOLAVV) with Endocardial Cushion Defect in Adult

Repair of Double Orifice Left AV Valve (DOLAVV) with Endocardial Cushion Defect in Adult




Double orifice left atrioventricular valve (DOLAVV) or double orifice mitral valve (DOMV) is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly manifesting either as an isolated lesion (mitral stenosis or mitral insufficiency) or in association with other congenital cardiac defects. Signs of mitral valve disease are usually present along with the symptoms of associated coexistent congenital heart diseases. Mitral insufficiency due to annular dilatation is seen when DOLAVV is associated with endocardial cushion defects. Surgical intervention like mitral valve repair or replacement is required in 50% of patients and yields good results. We report a case of a 56-year-old lady who successfully underwent surgical correction of DOLAVV with partial atrioventricular canal defect.
机译:双孔左房室瓣(DOLAVV)或双孔二尖瓣(DOMV)是一种罕见的先天性心脏异常,表现为孤立的病变(二尖瓣狭窄或二尖瓣关闭不全)或与其他先天性心脏缺陷相关。二尖瓣疾病的体征通常伴有先天性心脏病的相关症状。当DOLAVV与心内膜垫缺损相关时,可以看到由于环状扩张引起的二尖瓣关闭不全。 50%的患者需要外科手术干预,如二尖瓣修复或置换,效果良好。我们报告了一例56岁的女士,该女士成功接受了部分房室管缺损的DOLAVV的手术矫正。



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