首页> 外文期刊>BMC Infectious Diseases >High regional variability of HIV, HCV and injecting risks among people who inject drugs in Poland: comparing a cross-sectional bio-behavioural study with case-based surveillance

High regional variability of HIV, HCV and injecting risks among people who inject drugs in Poland: comparing a cross-sectional bio-behavioural study with case-based surveillance




People who inject drugs (PWID) are an important group at risk of blood borne infections in Poland. However, robust evidence regarding the magnitude of the problem and geographical variation is lacking, while coverage of prevention remains low. We assessed the potential of combining bio-behavioural studies and case-based surveillance of PWID to gain insight into preventive needs in Poland. Results of a bio-behavioural human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence study among ever injectors in six regions in Poland were compared with HIV case-based surveillance trends from 2000 to 2012. Logistic regression was used for multivariable analyses in the prevalence study. The case surveillance data were correlated with prevalence data, by region, to determine surveillance validity and identify any recent trends. HIV seroprevalence (18% overall) differed more than ten-fold across regions (2.4% to 32%), but HCV seroprevalence and the proportion of PWID sharing needles/syringes in the past 12?months were similar, 44% to 68% and 22% to 29%, respectively. In multivariable models accounting for socio-demographic factors, duration of injecting history and needle sharing practices, regional differences were significant for both HIV and HCV seroprevalence with adjusted odds ratios varying up to a factor of 12.6 for HIV and 3.8 for HCV. The number of new cases of HIV diagnosed in each region during the bio-behavioural study period was strongly correlated (r?=?0.93) with HIV prevalence. There was an overall decreasing trend in the number of new diagnoses of HIV over time. However, a transient increase in three regions was preceded by a higher proportion of people with short injecting history (≤5?years) and a high prevalence of HCV coinciding with a low prevalence of HIV in the bio-behavioural study. Bio-behavioural and case-based data were consistent with respect to the regional distribution of HIV and also provided complementary information, with the proportion of new injectors and high HCV prevalence predicting increases in HIV case rates. We identified three regions in Poland that appear to be at increased need for preventive measures. Data point to the need for a stronger investment in harm reduction programmes in Poland.
机译:波兰的注射毒品者(PWID)是面临血液传播感染风险的重要人群。但是,缺乏关于问题严重程度和地域差异的有力证据,而预防的覆盖率仍然很低。我们评估了将生物行为研究与基于病例的PWID监测相结合的潜力,以了解波兰的预防需求。将波兰六个地区曾经注射过的生物行为人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)患病率的研究结果与2000年至2012年基于HIV病例的监测趋势进行了比较。采用Logistic回归进行多变量分析在患病率研究中。病例监测数据与流行率数据按地区进行关联,以确定监测的有效性并确定任何近期趋势。 HIV血清阳性率(总体18%)在各个地区之间差异超过十倍(2.4%至32%),但在过去12个月中,HCV血清阳性率和PWID共用针头/注射器的比例相似,分别为44%至68%和分别为22%至29%。在考虑社会人口因素,注射史持续时间和共用针头的多变量模型中,HIV和HCV血清阳性率的区域差异均很大,调整后的优势比调整为HIV的12.6和HCV的3.8。在生物行为研究期间,每个地区诊断出的新的HIV病例数与HIV患病率密切相关(r = 0.93)。随着时间的推移,新诊断出的HIV数量总体上呈下降趋势。然而,在生物行为研究中,三个区域的短暂增加之前是注射史较短(≤5?年),HCV流行率高而艾滋病毒感染率低的人。生物行为和基于病例的数据在艾滋病毒的区域分布方面是一致的,并且还提供了补充信息,其中新注射者的比例和高HCV患病率预示了艾滋病病例的增加。我们确定了波兰三个地区似乎对预防措施的需求日益增加。数据表明需要在波兰减少伤害计划方面进行更强有力的投资。



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