首页> 外文期刊>BMC Infectious Diseases >Evaluation of the trends in the incidence of infectious diseases using the syndromic surveillance system, early warning and response unit, Mongolia, from 2009 to 2017: a retrospective descriptive multi-year analytical study

Evaluation of the trends in the incidence of infectious diseases using the syndromic surveillance system, early warning and response unit, Mongolia, from 2009 to 2017: a retrospective descriptive multi-year analytical study




In recent times, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are posing a public health threat in developing countries, and vigilant surveillance is necessary to prepare against these threats. Analyses of multi-year comprehensive infectious disease syndrome data are required in Mongolia, but have not been conducted till date. This study aimed to describe the trends in the incidence of infectious disease syndromes in Mongolia during 2009–2017 using a nationwide syndrome surveillance system for infectious diseases established in 2009. We analyzed time trends using monthly data on the incidence of infectious disease syndromes such as acute fever with rash (AFR), acute fever with vesicular rash (AFVR), acute jaundice (AJ), acute watery diarrhea (AWD), acute bloody diarrhea (ABD), foodborne disease (FD) and nosocomial infection (NI) reported from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2017. Time series forecasting models based on the data up to 2017 estimated the future trends in the incidence of syndromes up to December 2020. During the study, the overall prevalence of infectious disease syndromes was 71.8/10,000 population nationwide. The average number of reported infectious disease syndromes was 14,519 (5229-55,132) per year. The major types were AFR (38.7%), AFVR (31.7%), AJ (13.9%), ABD (10.2%), and AWD (1.8%), accounting for 96.4% of all reported syndromes. The most prevalent syndromes were AJ between 2009 and 2012 (59.5–48.7%), AFVR between 2013 and 2014 (54.5–59%), AFR between 2015 and 2016 (67.6–65.9%), and AFVR in 2017 (62.2%). There were increases in the prevalence of AFR, with the monthly number of cases being 37.7?±?6.1 during 2015–2016; this could be related to the measles outbreak in Mongolia during that period. The AFVR incidence rate showed winter’s multiplicative seasonal fluctuations with a peak of 10.6?±?2 cases per 10,000 population in 2017. AJ outbreaks were identified in 2010, 2011, and 2012, and these could be associated with hepatitis A outbreaks. Prospective time series forecasting showed increasing trends in the rates of AFVR and ABD. The evidence-based method for infectious disease syndromes was useful in gaining an understanding of the current situation, and predicting the future trends of various infectious diseases in Mongolia.
机译:近年来,正在出现的和正在重新出现的传染病在发展中国家构成了公共卫生威胁,因此有必要进行警惕的监视以应对这些威胁。蒙古需要对多年综合传染病综合症数据进行分析,但迄今为止尚未进行分析。本研究旨在使用2009年建立的全国传染病综合症监测系统来描述2009-2017年蒙古传染病综合症的发病趋势。我们使用月度数据,如急性病等传染病综合症的发病率数据,分析了时间趋势。一月份报告的皮疹热(AFR),水疱疹(AFVR)急性发烧,急性黄疸(AJ),急性水泻(AWD),急性血性腹泻(ABD),食源性疾病(FD)和医院感染(NI)从2009年1月1日至2017年12月31日。基于截至2017年的数据的时间序列预测模型估计了截至2020年12月的综合征发生率的未来趋势。在研究中,传染病综合征的总体患病率为71.8 / 10,000人口全国。每年报告的传染病综合征的平均数量为14,519(5229-55,132)。主要类型为AFR(38.7%),AFVR(31.7%),AJ(13.9%),ABD(10.2%)和AWD(1.8%),占所有报告综合征的96.4%。最常见的综合征是2009年至2012年之间的AJ(59.5–48.7%),2013年至2014年之间的AFVR(54.5–59%),2015年至2016年之间的AFR(67.6–65.9%)和2017年的AFVR(62.2%)。 AFR的患病率增加,2015-2016年期间每月病例数为37.7±6.1。这可能与该时期蒙古的麻疹暴发有关。 AFVR发生率显示出冬季的季节性乘积波动,2017年每10,000人口中有10.6?±?2例的峰值。2010、2011和2012年发现了AJ暴发,这可能与甲型肝炎暴发有关。预期的时间序列预测显示AFVR和ABD的发生率呈上升趋势。基于证据的传染病综合症方法有助于了解蒙古的现状,并预测蒙古各种传染病的未来趋势。



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