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Scaling up combined community-based HIV prevention interventions targeting truck drivers in Morocco: effectiveness on HIV testing and counseling




Background Truck drivers constitute an important bridging group in the HIV epidemic in Morocco. This study examined the effect of a community-based educational intervention in Morocco on HIV testing and counseling, in representative samples of truck drivers before (2007) and after (2012) the intervention. Methods Face-to-face structured interviews, adapted from UNAIDS documents, collected data on socio-demographic characteristics, HIV testing and counseling, and HIV risk behaviors in both the 2007 and 2012 surveys. Information about exposure to the intervention was also collected in the latter. Individuals exposed to the intervention were compared with those unexposed (i.e. unexposed in 2012, and all the 2007 pre-intervention sample). Results The 2012 group included 459 men with a median [IQR] age of 38 [31–44] years, 53% of whom reported exposure to the educational intervention. The percentage of participants tested for HIV and receiving HIV counseling in the last 12?months, was significantly higher in the 2012 group (29.6% vs 4.3% in 2007). Data from the 2012 survey confirmed a significant positive trend between being HIV tested and receiving counseling and the number of times a participant was exposed to the intervention (once: (OR?=?5.17(2.38-11.25)), twice or more (OR?=?19.16(10.33 - 35.53)). These results were confirmed after adjustment for employment, knowledge that the HIV test results would remain confidential, inconsistent condom use with occasional partners or sex workers, and when including individuals from 2007 considered unexposed. Conclusions Community-based educational interventions targeting truck drivers can be effective in increasing coverage of HIV testing and counseling, particularly if they are repeated and cover a considerable portion of this at-risk population. These results are encouraging for other countries which urgently need to implement prevention interventions for most-at-risk populations. Furthermore, they clearly show the power of community-based organization interventions in settings where resources for HIV prevention remain limited.
机译:背景技术卡车司机是摩洛哥艾滋病毒流行中的重要桥梁。这项研究在干预之前(2007年)和之后(2012年)对卡车司机的代表性样本,研究了摩洛哥社区教育干预对艾滋病毒检测和咨询的影响。方法2007年和2012年的调查均从联合国艾滋病规划署的文件改编而成,进行了面对面的结构化访谈,收集了有关社会人口统计学特征,艾滋病毒检测和咨询以及艾滋病毒危险行为的数据。后者还收集了有关干预措施的信息。将接受干预的个体与未暴露的个体(即2012年未暴露的个体以及2007年所有干预前样本)进行比较。结果2012年研究组包括459名男性,中位[IQR]年龄为38 [31-44]岁,其中53%的人报告接受过教育干预。在最近的12个月中,接受艾滋病毒检测和接受艾滋病毒咨询的参与者百分比在2012年组中显着更高(29.6%比2007年的4.3%)。来自2012年调查的数据证实,在进行HIV检测和接受咨询以及参与者接受干预的次数(一次:(OR?=?5.17(2.38-11.25))),两次或多次(OR)之间存在显着的积极趋势。 ?=?19.16(10.33-35.53)。这些结果在调整就业后得到确认,知道艾滋病毒检测结果将保持机密,与偶尔的伴侣或性工作者使用安全套不一致,并且包括2007年的未暴露者。针对卡车司机的基于社区的教育干预措施可以有效地扩大对艾滋病毒检测和咨询的覆盖范围,尤其是如果重复进行并且覆盖了这一高风险人群的相当一部分,这些结果对于其他急需实施预防措施的国家来说是鼓舞人心的针对高风险人群的干预措施,此外,它们清楚地表明了社区组织干预措施在以下地区的力量:预防艾滋病毒的资源仍然有限。



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