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Video-calls to reduce loneliness and social isolation within care environments for older people: an implementation study using collaborative action research




Older people in care may be lonely with insufficient contact if families are unable to visit. Face-to-face contact through video-calls may help reduce loneliness, but little is known about the processes of engaging people in care environments in using video-calls. We aimed to identify the barriers to and facilitators of implementing video-calls for older people in care environments. A collaborative action research (CAR) approach was taken to implement a video-call intervention in care environments. We undertook five steps of recruitment, planning, implementation, reflection and re-evaluation, in seven care homes and one hospital in the UK. The video-call intervention ‘Skype on Wheels’ (SoW) comprised a wheeled device that could hold an iPad and handset, and used Skype to provide a free video-call service. Care staff were collaborators who implemented the intervention within the care-setting by agreeing the intervention, recruiting older people and their family, and setting up video-calls. Field notes and reflective diaries on observations and conversations with staff, older people and family were maintained over 15?months, and analysed using thematic analysis. Four care homes implemented the intervention. Eight older people with their respective social contacts made use of video-calls. Older people were able to use SoW with assistance from staff, and enjoyed the use of video-calls to stay better connected with family. However five barriers towards implementation included staff turnover, risk averseness, the SoW design, lack of family commitment and staff attitudes regarding technology. The SoW intervention, or something similar, could aid older people to stay better connected with their families in care environments, but if implemented as part of a rigorous evaluation, then co-production of the intervention at each recruitment site may be needed to overcome barriers and maximise engagement.
机译:如果家庭无法探视,则被照料的老年人可能会感到孤独,接触不足。通过视频通话进行面对面的接触可能有助于减少孤独感,但是人们对于在护理环境中使人们参与使用视频通话的过程了解甚少。我们旨在确定在护理环境中为老年人实施视频通话的障碍和促进者。采取了协作行动研究(CAR)方法在护理环境中实施视频通话干预。我们在英国的7家养老院和1家医院中进行了招募,规划,实施,反思和重新评估的5个步骤。视频通话干预“ Skype on Wheels”(SoW)包括可容纳iPad和手机的带轮设备,并使用Skype提供免费的视频通话服务。护理人员是协作者,他们通过同意干预措施,招募老年人及其家人并进行视频通话,在护理环境中实施干预措施。在与员工,老年人和家人的观察和对话方面,我们保留了15个月的现场笔记和反思日记,并使用主题分析进行了分析。四个疗养院实施了干预措施。八位具有各自社交关系的老年人使用了视频通话。老年人能够在工作人员的协助下使用SoW,并喜欢使用视频通话来与家人保持更好的联系。但是,实施的五个障碍包括人员流动,规避风险,SoW设计,缺乏家庭责任感以及员工对技术的态度。 SoW干预措施或类似措施可以帮助老年人在照护环境中与家人保持更好的联系,但是如果作为严格评估的一部分实施,则可能需要在每个招聘地点共同制作干预措施,以克服障碍并最大限度地提高参与度。



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