首页> 外文期刊>BMC Emergency Medicine >Sternoclavicular joint septic arthritis following paraspinal muscle abscess and septic lumbar spondylodiscitis with epidural abscess in a patient with diabetes: a case report

Sternoclavicular joint septic arthritis following paraspinal muscle abscess and septic lumbar spondylodiscitis with epidural abscess in a patient with diabetes: a case report




Background Septic arthritis of the sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) is extremely rare, and usually appears to result from hematogenous spread. Predisposing factors include immunocompromising diseases such as diabetes. Case presentation A 61-year-old man with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus presented to our emergency department with low back pain, high fever, and a painful mass over his left SCJ. He had received two epidural blocks over the past 2?weeks for severe back and leg pain secondary to lumbar disc herniation. He did not complain of weakness or sensory changes of his lower limbs, and his bladder and bowel function were normal. He had no history of shoulder injection, subclavian vein catheterization, intravenous drug abuse, or focal infection including tooth decay. CT showed an abscess of the left SCJ, with extension into the mediastinum and sternocleidomastoid muscle, and left paraspinal muscle swelling at the level of L2. MRI showed spondylodiscitis of L3-L4 with a contiguous extradural abscess. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from cultures of aspirated pus from his SCJ, and from his urine and blood. The SCJ abscess was incised and drained, and appropriate intravenous antibiotic therapy was administered. Two weeks after admission, the purulent discharge from the left SCJ had completely stopped, and the wound showed improvement. He was transferred to another ward for treatment of the ongoing back pain. Conclusion Diabetic patients with S. aureus bacteremia may be at risk of severe musculoskeletal infections via hematogenous spread.
机译:背景胸锁关节(SCJ)的化脓性关节炎极为罕见,通常看起来是由于血行性传播所致。诱发因素包括免疫功能低下的疾病,例如糖尿病。病例介绍一名61岁的糖尿病控制不佳的男子出现在我们的急诊科,腰背痛,高烧,左SCJ疼痛。在过去的2周中,他因腰椎间盘突出症所致的严重的背部和腿部疼痛而接受了两次硬膜外阻滞。他没有抱怨下肢无力或感觉改变,膀胱和肠功能正常。他没有肩部注射,锁骨下静脉插管,静脉内药物滥用或包括蛀牙在内的局灶性感染的病史。 CT显示左SCJ脓肿,延伸至纵隔和胸锁乳突肌,左脊柱旁肌肉肿胀至L2水平。 MRI显示L3-L4脊椎椎间盘炎伴硬膜外脓肿。金黄色葡萄球菌是从他的SCJ以及他的尿液和血液中抽取的脓液中分离出来的。切开SCJ脓肿并引流,并给予适当的静脉抗生素治疗。入院两周后,左侧SCJ脓性分泌物完全停止,伤口显示好转。他被转移到另一病房治疗持续的背痛。结论糖尿病患者金黄色葡萄球菌菌血症可能通过血源性传播而具有严重的肌肉骨骼感染的风险。



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