首页> 外文期刊>Biotemas >Estrutura populacional de Clusia criuva Cambess. (Clusiaceae) e rela??o espacial com espécies de bromélias no Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Concei??o, Florianópolis, SC

Estrutura populacional de Clusia criuva Cambess. (Clusiaceae) e rela??o espacial com espécies de bromélias no Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Concei??o, Florianópolis, SC

机译:Clusia的人口结构创造了Cambess。州立大学Dunas da Lagoa da Concei ?? o市政公园中的(科)科和凤梨科物种的空间关系



Population structure of Clusia criuva Cambess. (Clusiaceae) and spatial relationship to bromeliads at Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Concei??o, Florianópolis, SC. “Restinga” habitats present many stressful conditions for plant establishment. Clusia criuva occurs in these habitats, including dune fi elds, and for this reason the Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Concei??o, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, was chosen as the area of study. In habitats where resources are scarce and abiotic conditions are severe, it is common to fi nd positive interactions between plants (facilitation). Some studies suggest that bromeliad species facilitate other plants in “restinga”. The present study evaluated the population structure of C. criuva in two different habitats, i.e. in an internal dune and in dune slack, both with herbaceous and sub-shrub vegetation. The study described the differences in populations and the relationship between the occurrence of C. criuva and bromeliad species. The populations showed an aggregated pattern and low density in the two areas. On the dune slack, the plants were younger, and seemed to have colonized the area recently. In the dune itself, we observed a positive relation between C. criuva and the bromeliad species Vriesea friburgensis Mez var. paludosa (L. B. Smith) L. B. Smith. This relationship was not observed in the dune slack where the abiotic conditions are less restrictive in relation to the availability of water and nutrients.
机译:克卢西亚草Cambess的种群结构。州科斯尼亚弗洛里亚诺波利斯公园公园市政厅中的凤梨科植物(凤尾科)和与凤梨科动物的空间关系。 “ Restinga”栖息地为植物的生长提供了许多压力条件。 crusia criuva出现在这些生境中,包括沙丘场,因此,巴西圣卡塔琳娜州弗洛里亚诺波利斯的Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Concei ?? o公园被选为研究区域。在资源稀缺和非生物条件严重的生境中,通常发现植物之间的积极相互作用(促进)。一些研究表明凤梨科物种促进了“ restinga”中的其他植物。本研究评估了草木和亚灌木植被两个不同生境,即内部沙丘和沙丘松弛中的C.criuva种群结构。该研究描述了种群的差异以及C. criuva和凤梨科物种之间的关系。这两个地区的人口呈聚集型,密度低。在沙丘松弛处,植物较年轻,并且最近似乎已在该地区定居。在沙丘中,我们观察到C. criuva与凤梨属植物Vriesea friburgensis Mez var之间存在正相关。 paludosa(L. B. Smith)L. B. Smith。在沙丘松弛中未观察到这种关系,在沙丘松弛中,非生物条件相对于水和养分的利用率较少。



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