首页> 外文期刊>Biota Neotropica >Infracomunidades de moscas ectoparasitas (Diptera: Streblidae e Nycteribiidae) de morcegos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) em três unidades de conserva??o no Estado do Amapá, Brasil

Infracomunidades de moscas ectoparasitas (Diptera: Streblidae e Nycteribiidae) de morcegos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) em três unidades de conserva??o no Estado do Amapá, Brasil




Diptera belonging to the families Nycteribiidae and Streblidae are hematophagous ectoparasites, exclusively of bats. The Amapá State is located in the North Region of Brazil. The Amapá represents one of with the lowest rates of deforestation in the country, with approximately 80% of the territory preserved. Within the State, there are conservation units, Floresta Nacional do Amapá (FNA), Parque Nacional Montanhas do Tumucumaque (PNMT) and Reserva de desenvolvimento Sustentável do Rio Iratapurú (RDSI). These areas represent priority areas for the Conservation of Amazonian Biodiversity. Recently in Amapá studied on the diversity and distribution of bats, however, there are no records of associated arthropod ectoparasites. Therefore, the objective was to describe the pattern of association of Nycteribiidae and Streblidae species on bats in three protected areas of Amapá. Bats were collected through mist nets, where each host had its body visually revised and the Diptera collected were identified through a specific bibliography. One thousand and eighty- six individuals of bats flies were identified, distributed in 52 species (Streblidae = 49 and Nycteribiidae = three). Among the three infracommunities, the PNMT infracommunities was the largest found with abundance and richness of bats flies. All species found, represent new occurrences for the Amapá, being these, 18 new records for the North Region and seven new records for Brazil.
机译:隶属于夜蛾科和链霉科的双翅目是嗜血的体外寄生虫,仅是蝙蝠。阿马帕州位于巴西北部地区。阿马帕(Amapá)是该国毁林率最低的国家之一,大约80%的土地被保留。在该州内,有自然保护部门,即阿马帕国家公园(FNA),蒙塔尼亚斯山国家公园(Tumucumaque)蒙塔尼亚哈国家公园(PNMT)和里约伊拉塔普鲁河沿岸可持续发展储备区(RDSI)。这些领域代表了亚马逊地区生物多样性保护的优先领域。最近在阿马帕(Amapá)研究了蝙蝠的多样性和分布,但是,没有相关节肢动物外寄生虫的记录。因此,目的是描述在阿玛帕三个保护区的蝙蝠上的夜蛾科和Streblidae物种的结合模式。蝙蝠是通过薄雾网收集的,每只寄主的尸体都经过目视检查,收集的双翅目通过特定的书目进行识别。鉴定出186只蝙蝠蝇,分布在52种中(Streblidae = 49,Nycteribiidae = 3)。在这三个弱势社群中,PNMT弱势社群是发现最多的,其中蝙蝠蝇丰富而丰富。发现的所有物种都代表了阿玛帕的新物种,包括北部地区的18个新记录和巴西的7个新记录。



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