首页> 外文期刊>Biota Neotropica >Florística e estrutura de um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlantica Submontana no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, em Ubatuba/SP, Brasil

Florística e estrutura de um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlantica Submontana no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, em Ubatuba/SP, Brasil

机译:巴西乌巴图巴(Sbat do Mar)国家公园的一片茂密的大西洋雨林Submontana的植物区系和结构



This work describes the tree community structure and composition in a 1 ha plot of undisturbed Atlantic Forest located at the north coast (S 23° 21' 59.8" - W 45° 05' 02.8") of S?o Paulo state and relates its floristic composition in a regional context. We sampled all stems with diameter at breast height (dbh) > 4.8 cm in 100 contiguous 10 × 10 m plots. We found 1881 individuals distributed in 206 species, 102 genera and 48 families. 1578 stems were trees (83.9%), 237 palms (12.6%), eight ferns (0.42%) and 58 standing dead trees (3.08%). Myrtaceae (43), Rubiaceae (18), Lauraceae (16), and Fabaceae (13) were the families with the greatest number of species, respectively. Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Arecaceae, and Sapotaceae had the greatest number of individuals, respectively, summing 946 stems (50.29%). Euterpe edulis Mart. had the highest importance value (iv) and stem density (9.5%). We found two new species and two other species had their first record in S?o Paulo state. The species richness (206) and diversity (H' = 4.48 nats.indivíduo-1) are among the highest ever recorded in Brazilian forests.
机译:这项工作描述了位于圣保罗州北海岸(S 23°21'59.8“-W 45°05'02.8”)1公顷未受干扰的大西洋森林中的树木群落结构和组成,并说明了其植物区系区域背景下的组成。我们在100个连续的10×10 m地块中对所有直径在胸高(dbh)> 4.8 cm处的茎进行了采样。我们发现1881个个体分布在206种,102属和48个科中。 1578根茎为树木(83.9%),237棵棕榈树(12.6%),8棵蕨类植物(0.42%)和58棵枯死的树木(3.08%)。桃金娘科(43),茜草科(18),月桂科(16)和豆科(13)分别是物种最多的科。茜草科,桃金娘科,槟榔科和Sapotaceae的个体数量最多,总计946个茎(50.29%)。 Euterpe edulis Mart。具有最高重要性值(iv)和茎密度(9.5%)。我们发现两个新物种和另外两个物种在圣保罗州拥有第一记录。物种丰富度(206)和多样性(H'= 4.48nats.indivíduo-1)是巴西森林有记录以来最高的物种之一。



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