首页> 外文期刊>Biota Neotropica >Novos registros e notas sobre distribui??o geográfica de Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta) do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil

Novos registros e notas sobre distribui??o geográfica de Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta) do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil

机译:巴西马托格罗索州1813年(Insecta)Trichoptera Kirby地理分布的新记录和新记录



Trichoptera comprise one of the most diverse and abundant group among aquatic insects in stream ecosystems around the world. Currently, about 500 species are known from Brazil, but only sixteen species have been recorded from the State of Mato Grosso. The present article provides a list of known species and new records of caddisflies collected in the eastern region over the past 10 years and incorporated in the entomological section of the Cole??o Zoobotanica "James A. Ratter" of University of Mato Grosso State, Nova Xavantina (CZNX). Specimens were recorded from tributaries of the Rio Xingu and of the Rio das Mortes and from lakes and rivers of the Bananal floodplain. Altogether, 30 species are reported, being seven new records from Mato Grosso. Achoropsyche duodencimpunctata (Navás, 1916), Amazonatolica hamadae Holzenthal & Pes, 2004, Nectopsyche nigricapilla (Navás, 1920), Nectopsyche quatourguttata (Navás, 1922), Macronema hageni Banks, 1924, Macrostemum santaeritae (Ulmer, 1905) and Cyrnellus fraternus (Banks, 1905) are new records from the State. Nectopsyche quatourguttata and N. nigricapilla configure the first records to Brazil. Additionally, Blepharopus diaphanus Kolenati, 1859, Macrostemum arcuatum (Erichson, 1848), Macrostemum ulmeri (Banks, 1913) are new regional records and provide additional material to species distribution from State.
机译:鳞翅目是世界上河流生态系统中水生昆虫中种类最多,数量最多的一种。目前,巴西已知约有500种,但马托格罗索州仅记录了16种。本文提供了过去10年间在东部地区收集的,已知的虫科物种和新记录的清单,并将其并入了马托格罗索州立大学Cole ?? o Zoobotanica“ James A. Ratter”的昆虫学部分, Nova Xavantina(CZNX)。记录了里约新古河和里斯达斯莫尔特支流以及巴那纳尔河漫滩的湖泊和河流的标本。总共报告了30种,是马托格罗索州的七个新记录。 Achoropsyche duodencimpuncttata(Navás,1916),Amazonatolica hamadae Holzenthal&Pes,2004,Nectopsyche nigricapilla(Navás,1920),Nec​​topsyche quatourguttata(Navás,1922),Macronema hageni Banks,1924,Macrostemum Santaeritaus(1) (1905年)。 Nectopsyche quatourguttata和N. nigricapilla为巴西创造了第一批记录。此外,Blepharopus diaphanus Kolenati(1859年),Macrostem Sumum arcuatum(埃里克森(Erichson),1848年),Macrostemtemum ulmeri(Banks,1913年)是新的地区记录,为国家的物种分布提供了额外的材料。



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