首页> 外文期刊>BioPsychoSocial Medicine >A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled crossover trial on the effects of L-ornithine on salivary cortisol and feelings of fatigue of flushers the morning after alcohol consumption

A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled crossover trial on the effects of L-ornithine on salivary cortisol and feelings of fatigue of flushers the morning after alcohol consumption




Background Residual alcohol effects on physiological and psychological symptoms are commonly experienced the morning after alcohol consumption. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of L-ornithine on subjective feelings and salivary stress markers the morning after alcohol consumption and to investigate whether L-ornithine acutely accelerates ethanol metabolism. Methods This study had a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-masked crossover design. Subjects were all healthy Japanese adults with the ‘flusher’ phenotype for alcohol tolerance. In experiment 1, 11 subjects drank 0.4 g/kg body weight alcohol 1.5 h before their usual bedtime. Half an hour after drinking, they ingested either a placebo or 400 mg ornithine. The next morning on awakening, subjects completed a questionnaire containing a visual analog scale (VAS), the Oguri-Shirakawa-Azumi sleep inventory MA version (OSA-MA), and a profile of mood states (POMS) and collected a saliva sample for measurement of salivary stress markers (cortisol, secretory immunoglobulin A, and α-amylase). In experiment 2, placebo or 400 mg ornithine were administrated to 16 subjects both before and after drinking, and the feeling of drunkenness, breath ethanol concentration and one-leg standing time were repeatedly investigated until 180 min after alcohol consumption. Results There were significant decreases in “awareness”, “feeling of fatigue” and “lassitude” VAS scores and in “anger-hostility” and “confusion” POMS scores and a significant increase in “sleep length” in the OSA-MA test. Salivary cortisol concentrations on awakening were reduced after ornithine supplementation. There were no differences between ornithine and placebo in any of the subjective or physiological parameters of acute alcohol metabolism. Conclusions Taking 400 mg ornithine after alcohol consumption improved various negative feelings and decreased the salivary stress marker cortisol the next morning. These effects were not caused by an increase in acute alcohol metabolism.
机译:背景技术饮酒后的第二天,通常会出现酒精残留对生理和心理症状的影响。这项研究的目的是评估饮酒后早晨L-鸟氨酸对主观感觉和唾液应激标志物的影响,并调查L-鸟氨酸是否能急性促进乙醇代谢。方法本研究采用随机,安慰剂对照,双掩蔽交叉设计。受试者均为健康的日本成年人,其酒精耐受性表现为“ flusher”表型。在实验1中,有11位受试者在平时就寝前1.5小时喝了0.4 g / kg体重的酒精。喝酒后半小时,他们摄入了安慰剂或400毫克鸟氨酸。第二天早上醒来,受试者完成了一个问卷,其中包括视觉模拟量表(VAS),小栗-白川-淳睡眠清单MA版本(OSA-MA)和情绪状态档案(POMS),并收集了唾液样本用于测量唾液应激指标(皮质醇,分泌性免疫球蛋白A和α-淀粉酶)。在实验2中,在饮酒前后分别对16位受试者服用安慰剂或400 mg鸟氨酸,并反复研究了醉酒感,呼吸酒精浓度和单腿站立时间,直至饮酒180分钟。结果在OSA-MA测试中,“意识”,“疲倦感”和“疲倦” VAS得分以及“愤怒-敌对”和“困惑” POMS得分显着下降,“睡眠时间”显着增加。补充鸟氨酸后,觉醒时唾液皮质醇浓度降低。在急性酒精代谢的任何主观或生理参数上,鸟氨酸和安慰剂之间没有差异。结论饮酒后服用400 mg鸟氨酸可改善第二天早晨的各种不良情绪,并降低唾液应激指标皮质醇。这些影响不是由急性酒精代谢增加引起的。



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