首页> 外文期刊>Bangladesh Journal of Botany >Economic analysis of Carnation cv. ‘master’ cut flower production as influenced by fertilizer schedules under naturally ventilated polyhouse

Economic analysis of Carnation cv. ‘master’ cut flower production as influenced by fertilizer schedules under naturally ventilated polyhouse

机译:康乃馨简历的经济分析。 “主人”在自然通风的温室中受肥料施肥的影响,削减了鲜花产量



The present investigation was carried out in naturally ventilated polyhouse during the year 2010 and2011 to ascertain the effect of 16 different fertilizer doses and methods of application on cut flower yield andeconomics of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cv. Master. The results revealed that the overall cost ofcultivation as well as the economics of carnation cut flower production was significantly influenced by thefertilizer application. Carnation cv. Master plants fertigated with 250 ppm N and K through urea and MOP incombination with 250 ppm NPK foliar spray through Sujala (19 : 19 : 19 NPK) once a week producedmaximum saleable flowers (517.25 nos./m2) for three flushes over the recommended practice (437.50nos./m2). The same treatment also recorded maximum returns of 3470.33/m2 with highest B : C ratio of 2.27for three flushes.
机译:本研究是在2010年和2011年间在自然通风的温室中进行的,以确定16种不同肥料用量和施用方法对康乃馨(Dianthus caryophyllus L.)cv切花产量和经济性的影响。主。结果表明,施肥量显着影响了康乃馨切花生产的总体栽培成本和经济性。康乃馨简历主植物通过尿素施以250 ppm的氮和钾施肥,并通过Sujala(19:19:19 NPK)结合MOP与250 ppm的NPK叶面喷雾施肥,每周产生最多可销售的花朵(517.25 nos./m2),超过推荐的做法(437.50nos./m2)。相同的处理方法还记录了3次冲洗的最大回报3470.33 / m2,最高B:C比为2.27。



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