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Negotiating IP Security in the Age of Contractors


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It all begins with a contract, an agreement between the client and the contractor that spells out what must remain confidential during the project. "Whether we're working with an independent inventor, an automotive and aerospace customer, or a military client, we typically start with the non-disclosure agreement (NDA)," says Tim Smith, vice president of design engineering, Altair Product Design Group. Dr. Metin Ozen, president of Ozen Engineering, concurs: "Ninety percent of the projects start with an NDA. The clients don't show us anything until the NDA is signed." On one end of the spectrum are clients who, because of compliance rules and market competition, demand absolute secrecy about their projects. Aerospace and automotive titans, military institutions, and government entities fall into this category. On the other end are independent inventors and startups, with a less predictable attitude to intellectual property (IP).
机译:这一切都始于合同,即客户与承包商之间的协议,其中阐明了项目期间必须保密的内容。 “我们是与独立发明家,汽车和航空航天客户还是军事客户合作,我们通常从保密协议(NDA)开始,” Altair产品设计小组设计工程副总裁Tim Smith说。 。 Ozen Engineering总裁Metin Ozen博士对此表示赞同:“百分之九十的项目都是由NDA开始的。在NDA签署之前,客户不会向我们展示任何东西。”一方面,由于合规性规则和市场竞争,客户要求对其项目绝对保密。航空航天和汽车业的泰坦,军事机构和政府实体属于这一类。另一方面,独立发明家和初创公司对知识产权(IP)的态度不太可预测。



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