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A new class of near-optimal partial Fourier codebooks from an almost difference set


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An (N. K) codebook is a set of N unit-norm code vectors in a K-dimensional vector space. Also known as a frame, it has many applications in communications, signal processing, and quantum computing. In the applications, it is required that the maximum magnitude of inner products between a pair of distinct code vectors should meet the Welch bound equality, strictly or asymptotically. In this paper, a new class of (N, K) partial Fourier codebooks is constructed from an almost difference set, where N = K~2 - 1 and K = p~k for a prime p and a positive integer k. It turns out that the almost difference set is equivalent to a modular Golomb ruler, and is obtained by a set of elements decimated from an N-ary Sidelnikov sequence of length N with decimation factor K - 1. In the codebook, the magnitude of inner products between distinct code vectors is two-valued, and its maximum nearly achieves the Welch bound equality, which leads to a near-optimal codebook or nearly equiangular tight frame. Equivalent to a K × N partial Fourier matrix with near-optimal coherence, the new partial Fourier codebook can find its potential applications in deterministic compressed sensing.
机译:(N.K)码本是K维向量空间中N个单位范式向量的集合。也称为框架,它在通信,信号处理和量子计算中具有许多应用。在应用中,要求一对不同代码向量之间的内积最大量应严格或渐近地满足Welch界等式。本文从一个几乎不同的集构造了新的(N,K)部分傅里叶码本,其中对于素数p和正整数k,N = K〜2-1和K = p〜k。事实证明,几乎差集等于模块化的Golomb尺,并且是通过从长度为N的N元Sidelnikov序列中抽取一组因子为K-1的元素抽取的一组元素获得的。不同代码向量之间的乘积是二值的,并且其最大值几乎达到了Welch边界相等,这导致了接近最佳的代码本或接近等角的紧框架。等效于具有接近最佳相干性的K×N局部傅里叶矩阵,新的局部傅里叶码本可以在确定性压缩感知中找到其潜在的应用。



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