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VARI-RO™ ''low energy'' desalting for the San Diego region


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This U.S. Bureau of Reclamation sponsored Desalting Technology Program Research study was directed at a 30 mgd desalination facility to be located in the San Diego region. The overall objective of the study effort was to show how the cost of seawater desalination can be reduced through the use of an alternate technology, the VARI-RO™ system (VRO), which is more energy efficient and environmentally attractive than existing methods. The VARI-RO™ technology is a highly efficient, low cycle speed, low pulsation, variable flow, positive displacement pumping and energy recovery system suitable for large capacity SWRO and BWRO projects. As compared to a centrifugal pump, energy recovery turbine, and variable speed drive system (CT); the following savings were projected for a 30 mgd SWRO facility: electric power savings 8 mW, percent savings 43%, five year cost savings $26 million, thirty year straight line savings $156 million. As compared to the California State Water Project (SWP), power savings of 5 mW (megawatts) were projected. This means that desalting seawater can be less energy intensive that importing natural water. Also, substantial environmental benefits were projected, including: air emission reductions and lowering of reject brine concentrations.
机译:这项由美国开垦局赞助的脱盐技术计划研究针对的是位于圣地亚哥地区的30 mgd脱盐设施。研究工作的总体目标是展示如何通过使用替代技术VARI-RO™系统(VRO)来降低海水淡化的成本,该技术比现有方法更具能源效率和环境吸引力。 VARI-RO™技术是一种高效,低循环速度,低脉动,可变流量,正排量泵送和能量回收系统,适用于大容量SWRO和BWRO项目。与离心泵,能量回收涡轮和变速驱动系统(CT)相比;对于30 mgd的SWRO设施,预计将节省以下费用:节省8 mW的电力,节省43%的成本,五年节省的费用为2600万美元,三年节省的直线费用为1.56亿美元。与加州水项目(SWP)相比,预计可节省5毫瓦(兆瓦)的电能。这意味着与进口天然水相比,将海水淡化的能源消耗较少。此外,预计将带来巨大的环境效益,包括:减少空气排放和降低废盐水浓度。



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