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Testing the Jurisdictional Limits of the International Investment Regime: The Blocking of Social Media and Internet Censorship


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Social media's power to organize and speak is undeniable. During the protests in Cairo, one activist powerfully tweeted: "We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world[.]"191 When we look back at the Arab Spring and its consequences, perhaps we will be able to add that Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube used the power of investment law to defend the right to protest, coordinate, and tell the world. Bringing claims on behalf of social media and other internet platforms will be filled with procedural and substantive pitfalls. But, based on current trends in international investment arbitration, it is highly likely that such platforms will meet the jurisdictional challenges that will ultimately be raised by those states blocking access to social media and the internet at large.
机译:社交媒体组织和讲话的能力不可否认。在开罗举行的抗议活动中,一位激进主义者发表了强烈的推文:“我们使用Facebook安排抗议活动,使用Twitter进行协调,并使用YouTube告诉全世界。” [191]当我们回顾阿拉伯之春及其后果时,也许我们会能够补充说,Facebook,Google,Twitter和YouTube使用投资法的权力来捍卫抗议,协调和告知世界的权利。代表社交媒体和其他互联网平台提出索赔将充满程序性和实质性陷阱。但是,根据当前国际投资仲裁的趋势,此类平台很可能会遇到管辖权挑战,这些挑战最终将由那些阻止访问社交媒体和整个互联网的国家提出。



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