首页> 外文期刊>Deep-Sea Research >Classification of sea-floor features associated with methane seeps along the Gulf of Cadiz continental margin

Classification of sea-floor features associated with methane seeps along the Gulf of Cadiz continental margin


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Based on recently gathered swath-bathymetry, high- to ultra-high-resolution seismic, and underwater camera data, along with dredging and coring samples, this paper examines the relationship between sea-floor features and the nature of hydrocarbon-enriched fluid and gas leaks from degassing of deeply buried sediments along the continental margin of the Gulf of Cadiz (eastern Central Atlantic). A classification into three main groups is proposed on the basis of the morphology and nature of deposits: (1) mud volcanoes, (2) methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC) mounds, and (3) crater-like pockmarks. Mud volcanoes are, topographically, cone-shaped sea-floor edifices, built up from catastrophic mud and fluid degassing, intercalated with periods of inactivity. So far more than 25 mud volcanoes have been discovered in the Gulf of Cadiz, named in memory of deceased colleagues (e.g., Ginsburg and Baraza), or researchers' birth places (e.g. Faro, Cibeles, Almazan, San Petersburgh, Yuma, Rabat, Bonjardim, Coruna, Gades). These structures range from 800 to 2500 m in diameter and tower 150-300 m above the seabed. The volcanoes consistently feature a well-defined outer ring or circular terrace and an inner dome. All mud volcanoes are built up of episodes of mud-breccia flows, intercalated with deep-current deposits, with evident indications of gas saturation: degassing structures, a strong H_2S smell, and chemosynthetic fauna (such as Pogonophora sp. tube worms and Calyptogena sp.). Commonly observed carbonate crusts and slabs overlying some mud volcanoes are thought to have been formed by slow, diffuse venting during periods of inactivity or slower rates of fluid venting following the ejection of mud. A "fermentation" process, the result of microbial-mediated oxidation of hydrocarbon-enriched fluids, seems to play an important role in the growth of large deep-water carbonate mounds and chimneys during periods of low methane-seep fluid pressure. More than 400 crater-like pockmarks, a common sea-floor feature in the TASYO field, have been observed. Their seabed diameter ranges from 500 to 3000m, with steep slopes ranging from 12° to 35°. According to their internal structure, pockmarks can be grouped into: (1) pockmarks with low central mounds and (2) crater-like pockmarks, apparently collapse structures lacking central mounds, with a flat to slightly undulating sea bottom surrounded by steep slopes (up to 25°).
机译:基于最近收集的条幅测深法,高分辨率至超高分辨率地震以及水下相机数据以及疏dr和取芯样品,本文研究了海底特征与富烃流体和天然气的性质之间的关系。沿加的斯湾(中大西洋东部)大陆边缘深层沉积物脱气造成的泄漏。根据矿床的形态和性质,将其分为三大类:(1)泥火山,(2)甲烷源自生碳酸盐(MDAC)土墩和(3)火山口样麻点。泥火山在地形上是圆锥形的海底建筑物,由灾难性的泥浆和流体脱气建造而成,并处于停滞期。迄今为止,在加的斯湾发现了25座泥火山,以纪念已故的同事(例如,金斯堡和巴拉萨)或研究人员的出生地(例如,法鲁,西贝雷斯,阿尔玛赞,圣彼得堡,尤马,拉巴特, Bonjardim,Coruna和Gades)。这些结构的直径范围为800至2500 m,塔架位于海床上方150-300 m。火山始终具有定义明确的外圈或圆形平台以及内部圆顶。所有的泥火山都是由泥角砾岩流形成的,并夹有深流沉积物,并有明显的气体饱和迹象:脱气结构,强烈的H_2S气味和化学合成动物群(例如Pogonophora sp。管虫和Calyptogena sp )。普遍认为,覆盖在一些泥火山上的碳酸盐结壳和板块是由于不活动期间的缓慢散布排放或泥浆喷出后流体排放速率降低而形成的。微生物介导的富烃流体氧化的结果是“发酵”过程,在甲烷深层流体压力较低的时期,在大型深水碳酸盐土丘和烟囱的生长中起着重要作用。已经观察到超过400个类似火山口的麻点,这是TASYO油田中常见的海底特征。它们的海床直径范围从500到3000m,陡坡的范围从12°到35°。根据其内部结构,麻点可分为:(1)中央丘低的麻点和(2)火山口状的麻点,显然没有中央丘的倒塌结构,海底平坦至起伏,并被陡峭的斜坡包围(向上至25°)。



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