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A Comparison Of Mesopelagic Mesozooplankton Community Structure In The Subtropical And Subarctic North Pacific Ocean


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Mesopelagic mesozooplankton communities of an oligotrophic (Hawaii Ocean Time series-HOT station ALOHA) and a mesotrophic (Japanese time-series station K2) environment in the North Pacific Ocean are compared as part of a research program investigating the factors that control the efficiency of particle export to the deep sea (VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean-VERTIGO). We analyzed zooplankton (>350μm) collected from net tows taken between 0 and 1000 m at each site to investigate the biomass size structure and the abundance of the major taxonomic groups in discrete depth intervals throughout the water column. Biomass of zooplankton at K2 over all depths was approximately an order of a magnitude higher than at ALOHA, with a significantly higher proportion of the biomass at K2 in the larger (> 2 mm) size classes. This difference was mostly due to the abundance at K2 of the large calanoid copepods Neocalanus spp. and Eucalanus bungii, which undergo ontogenetic (seasonal) vertical migration. The overall strength of diel vertical migration was higher at K2, with a mean night:day biomass ratio in the upper 150 m of 2.5, vs. a ratio of 1.7 at ALOHA. However, the amplitude of the diel migration (change in weighted mean depth between day and night) was higher at ALOHA for all biomass size classes, perhaps due to deeper light penetration causing deeper migration to avoid visual predators. A number of taxa known to feed on suspended or sinking detritus showed distinct peaks in the mesopelagic zone, which affects particle transport efficiency at both sites. These taxa include calanoid and poecilostomatoid (e.g., Oncaea spp.) copepods, salps, polychaetes, and phaeodarian radiolaria at K2, harpacticoid copepods at ALOHA, and ostracods at both sites. We found distinct layers of carnivores (mainly gelatinous zooplankton) in the mesopelagic at K2 including chaetognaths, hydrozoan medusae, polychaetes, and gymnosome pteropods, and, in the upper mesopelagic zone, of ctenophores and siphonophores; at both sites a mesopelagic layer of hyperiid amphipods was found. The large population of ontogenetically migrating calanoid copepods is likely supporting large carnivorous populations at depth at K2. The contrasting zooplankton taxonomic structure at the two sites helps explain the higher efficiency of the biological pump at K2. Factors responsible for increased transport efficiency at K2 include rapid transport of POC via larger fecal pellets produced by zooplankton at K2, and enhanced active carbon export at K2 vs. ALOHA, due to the greater strength of diel vertical migration and to additional ontogenetic migration at K2.
机译:作为研究计划的一部分,比较了北太平洋的贫营养型(夏威夷海洋时间序列-HOT站ALOHA)和中营养型(日本时间序列站K2)的中古生代中层浮游生物群落。出口到深海(全球海洋垂直运输-VERTIGO)。我们分析了从每个站点在0至1000 m之间采集的网状拖网收集的浮游动物(>350μm),以研究整个水柱中离散深度区间内生物量的大小结构和主要生物分类群的丰度。在K2的所有深度上,浮游生物的生物量大约比ALOHA高出一个数量级,而在较大(> 2 mm)大小的类别中,K2上的生物量比例明显更高。这种差异主要是由于大型cal足类pe足类新足纲(Neocalanus spp)的K2丰度所致。以及桉树(Eucalanus bungii),它们经历了个体发育(季节性)的垂直迁移。 Diel垂直迁移的总体强度在K2处较高,上部150 m的平均夜晚:白天生物量比为2.5,而在ALOHA处为1.7。但是,对于所有生物量大小的类别,在ALOHA上,diel迁移的幅度(白天和晚上之间的加权平均深度的变化)都较高,这可能是由于更深的光线穿透导致了更深的迁移,从而避免了视觉掠食者。已知许多以悬浮或下沉碎屑为食的类群在近中生带表现出明显的峰值,这影响了这两个位置的颗粒传输效率。这些分类群包括在K2处的类颅类和足类类mat足类(例如Oncaea spp。)pe足类,sal类,多足类和食足pha虫,ALOHA上的类类拟足足类,足类,以及在这两个地点的成骨纲。我们在K2的中古生代中发现了食肉动物的不同层(主要是胶状浮游动物),包括白嘴足类动物,水生水母,多毛类动物和裸子体翼足类动物,而在中中生带的上部则有裂变体和虹吸体。在两个站点上都发现了中生的双节肢动物两栖动物层。大量个体发育的cal足类co足类动物很可能支持K2深度处的大型肉食性种群。这两个地点形成鲜明对比的浮游动物分类结构有助于解释K2生物泵的更高效率。导致K2转运效率提高的因素包括:通过K2浮游动物产生的较大的粪便颗粒来快速运输POC,以及由于Diel垂直迁移的强度更大,以及K2产生了更多的成因迁移,K2相对于ALOHA的活性炭出口增加。 。



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