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Response of benthic macrofauna to an oil pollution: Lessons from the 'Prestige' oil spill on the rocky shore of Guethary (south of the Bay of Biscay, France)


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The benthic community on the rocky foreshore of Guethary (France) has been monitored since 2002. The standardized and quantitative monitoring method counts 20 geographically referenced quadrats spread on three littoral zones: upper mediolittoral, lower mediolittoral and infralittoral zones. The setting up of this monitoring occurred when the "Prestige" sunk close to the Finistere Cape in Galicia (Spain). The oil slick following the shipwreck impacted the Guethary foreshore in early 2003. After the "Prestige" oil spill, the taxonomic richness decreased in the studied area with a loss of 16 species - from 57 in 2002 (before the shipwreck) to 41 species in 2004. Two or 3 years later, taxonomic richness increased to a level observed prior to the oil spill. Along the years, temporal variations in community structure of benthic macrofauna are revealed by detailed analysis. Some polluo-sensitive species disappeared after 2002 and have not reappeared yet (e.g.: Hymeniacidon perlevis). Some others reappeared two or three years after the spill or even later (e.g.: Amphipholis squamata, Botryllus schlosseri, Calliostoma zizyphinum, Echinus esculentus, etc.). Noteworthy changes were found in 2004 driven by the sudden increase in abundance of grazers. The following years, these abundances went back to a stable level. The benthic community seemed to recover almost 5 years later, although a new composition of macrofauna populations was observed. In overall aspect, the complexity of the benthic ecosystem response to oil spills confirms the need of regularly updated baselines to assess the impact of pollutions and more generally to maintain marine biodiversity.
机译:自2002年以来,对Guethary(法国)多岩石的前陆底栖动物群落进行了监测。标准化和定量的监测方法对分布在三个沿海地区(上上滨海,下上滨海和下滨海带)的20个以地理为基准的四足动物进行了计数。当“声望”沉没在加利西亚(西班牙)的菲尼斯特雷角附近时,便建立了此监视程序。海难后的浮油影响了2003年初的Guethary海岸。“ Prestige”漏油事件发生后,研究区域内的分类学丰富度减少了16种,从2002年的57种(沉船前)减少到41种。 2004年。两三年后,生物分类学的丰富度增加到漏油之前的水平。多年来,通过详细分析揭示了底栖大型动物群落结构的时间变化。 2002年以后,一些对花粉敏感的物种消失了,并且尚未重新出现(例如:Permens的Hymeniacidon)。漏油事件发生后两三年甚至更晚时间,其他一些又出现了(例如:两栖两栖类,Botryllus schlosseri,ziosphima zizyphinum,Echinus esculentus等)。 2004年,由于放牧者数量的突然增加,导致了值得注意的变化。在接下来的几年中,这些丰度回到了稳定的水平。尽管观察到大型动物种群的新组成,底栖动物群落似乎在近5年后恢复了。从总体上看,底栖生态系统对溢油的反应十分复杂,这证实了需要定期更新基准以评估污染的影响,并更普遍地维护海洋生物多样性。



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