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Auction Advisor: an agent-based online-auction decision support system


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Online auctions are proving themselves as a viable alternative in the C2C and B2C marketplace. Several thousand new items are placed for auction every day and determining which items to bid on or when and where to sell an item are difficult questions to answer for online-auction participants. This paper presents a multiagent Auction Advisor system designed to collect data related to online auctions and use the data to help improve the decision making of auction participants. A simulation of applied Auction Advisor recommendations and a small research study that used subjects making real purchases at online auctions both indicate that online-auction buyers and sellers achieve tangible benefit from the current information acquired by and recommendations made by the Auction Advisor agents.
机译:在线拍卖正在证明自己是C2C和B2C市场中的可行选择。每天放置数千个新物品进行拍卖,并确定要拍卖的物品或何时何地出售物品是在线拍卖参与者难以回答的问题。本文提出了一种多代理拍卖顾问系统,该系统旨在收集与在线拍卖有关的数据,并使用该数据来帮助改善拍卖参与者的决策。对已应用的Auction Advisor推荐进行的模拟和一项小型研究研究(使用的主题是在在线拍卖中进行实际购买)都表明,在线拍卖买卖双方从Auction Advisor代理获取的当前信息和所提出的建议中获得了实实在在的收益。



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