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Probiotics pump up the volume


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Strong growth in the probiotics drinks sector over the last few years worldwide means this niche market is one to watch. The probiotic drinks market has exploded recently, particularly in Europe, although the market there is still small by Japanese standards and in comparison with the much larger flavoured milk market - the latter being worth an estimated 1.54 billion in Europe. That being said, the probiotic drinks market in western Europe was worth approximately 184.3 million in 2004, according tomarket research company Euromonitor. However, probiotics are expected to see growth of 14.6 per cent through the end of this year for western European sales, and growth of 10.4 per cent for eastern Europe. In 2003, a 52 per cent increase in probiotics was recorded, which adds up to a 28 million retail sales value in the core European markets. Yakult Honsha of Japan has been the pioneer in probiotic drinks, with its Yakult drink containing Lactobacillus casei shirota. First introduced in the country in 1935, the company moved into the European market in 1994 with its launch into the Netherlands. It now has 49 per cent of that country's probiotic market, sharing the shelves with Vifit Vitamel from Campina and Danone's Actimel. Yakult has since rolled outits fermented dairy drink to Belgium, the UK, Germany and, as of last year, Ireland. Europe is one of Yakult's smaller markets, generating sales of EUR 67 million in fiscal 2004, or 576,000 bottles daily, compared to over nine million bottles being produced everyday in Japan. This being said, sales in the region increased by 14.8 per cent for Yakult in 2003, with an 18.9 per cent increase in the UK.
机译:在过去的几年中,全球益生菌饮料行业的强劲增长意味着这一利基市场值得关注。益生菌饮料市场最近出现了爆炸性增长,尤其是在欧洲,尽管按照日本的标准,与更大的调味乳市场相比,该市场仍然很小,后者在欧洲的价值估计为15.4亿。话虽如此,根据市场研究公司Euromonitor的数据,2004年,西欧的益生菌饮料市场价值约为1.843亿美元。但是,到今年年底,益生菌在西欧的销售额预计将增长14.6%,在东欧的增长将达到10.4%。 2003年,益生菌增长了52%,在欧洲核心市场的零售总额达到了2800万。日本的Yakult Honsha一直是益生菌饮料的先驱,其Yakult饮料中含有干酪乳杆菌shirota。该公司于1935年首次在该国推出,并于1994年进入荷兰,从而进入了欧洲市场。现在,它在该国的益生菌市场中占有49%的份额,与来自Campina的Vifit Vitamel和达能的Actimel共享货架。此后,养乐多已将其发酵乳饮料投放到比利时,英国,德国以及去年的爱尔兰。欧洲是养乐多较小的市场之一,在2004财政年度创造了6700万欧元的销售额,即每天576,000瓶,而日本每天生产超过900万瓶。据说,2003年该地区在Yakult的销售额增长了14.8%,在英国增长了18.9%。



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