首页> 外文期刊>Current Immunology Reviews >Immunity to Bacterial Infections

Immunity to Bacterial Infections


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Abstract: Co-evolution of pathogenic bacteria and hosts has led to the development of an array of virulence genes (the nvirulome) and a set of mechanisms of defense which constitute the immune system. Mechanisms of innate or non-specific nimmunity involve mucosal epithelial surface barriers, antibacterial peptides and enzymes, defensive molecules (collectins, ncomplement), and cells (macrophages, dendritic cells, polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes, natural killer cells). The npresence of bacterial products in host tissues induces a complex series of non-specific responses which constitute the ninflammatory reaction. Inflammation is critical to the resolution of infection, the key process being the ingestion and nkilling of bacteria by phagocytes, but inflammation also causes tissue damage and contributes to the pathology. The innate nimmunity is the initial step in the host defense against pathogens, but some pathogenic bacteria with appropriate virulence nfactors can overcome the innate immunity mechanisms. In these cases, the goal of innate immunity is to contain the ninfectious process until specific immunity is developed. The specific immune responses are performed by lymphocytes: B ncells, T helper (TH) cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Specific antibodies are produced by B cells, usually with nthe cooperation of TH2 cells. In general terms, extracellular bacteria can be killed by antibodies and complement proteins, nor cleared by phagocytosis after opsonization by antibodies, and bacterial exotoxins are neutralized by their specific nantibodies. In contrast, resistance to intracellular bacteria requires the induction of TH1 and CTL responses. In this review, nwe will focus on current knowledge about the defensive mechanisms against bacterial infections. We will discuss the ninnate immunity mechanisms, connections between innate and specific immunity, the key role of T helper 1 (TH1) and nTH2 cells, and the antibody and cell-mediated responses.
机译:摘要:病原细菌和宿主的共同进化导致了一系列毒力基因(nvirulome)的发展以及一系列构成免疫系统的防御机制。先天性或非特异性免疫的机制包括粘膜上皮表面屏障,抗菌肽和酶,防御分子(集合蛋白,补体)和细胞(巨噬细胞,树突状细胞,多形核中性白细胞,自然杀伤细胞)。宿主组织中不存在细菌产物会诱导一系列复杂的非特异性反应,这些反应构成了炎症反应。炎症对于解决感染至关重要,关键过程是吞噬细胞吞噬和杀死细菌,但炎症也会引起组织损伤并导致病理。先天性免疫是宿主抵抗病原体的第一步,但是一些具有适当毒力的致病菌可以克服先天性免疫机制。在这些情况下,先天免疫的目标是遏制感染过程,直到发展出特定的免疫。特异性免疫反应由淋巴细胞执行:B细胞,T辅助(TH)细胞和细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)。 B细胞通常与TH2细胞协同产生特异性抗体。一般而言,细胞外细菌可以被抗体和补体蛋白杀死,也不能在被抗体调理后被吞噬作用清除,并且细菌外毒素被其特定的抗体中和。相反,对细胞内细菌的抗性需要诱导TH1和CTL反应。在这篇综述中,nwe将专注于有关细菌感染防御机制的最新知识。我们将讨论先天性免疫机制,先天性与特异性免疫之间的联系,T辅助细胞1(TH1)和nTH2细胞的关键作用以及抗体和细胞介导的应答。



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