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The Treatment of Hypertension During Pregnancy: When Should Blood Pressure Medications Be Started?


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Hypertensive pregnancy disorders (HPD) are important causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. In addition, a history of HPD has been associated with an increased risk for maternal cardiovascular disease later in life, possibly because of irreversible vascular and metabolic changes that persist beyond the affected pregnancies. Therefore, treatment of HPD may not only improve immediate pregnancy outcomes, but also maternal long-term cardiovascular health. Unlike the recommendations for hypertension treatment in the general population, treatment recommendations for HPD have not changed substantially for more than 2 decades. This is particularly true for mild to moderate hypertension in pregnancy, defined as a blood pressure of 140–159/90–109 mm Hg. This review focuses on the goals of therapy, treatment strategies, and new developments in the field of HPD that should be taken into account when considering blood pressure targets and pharmacologic options for treatment of hypertension in pregnant women.
机译:高血压妊娠疾病(HPD)是全球母婴发病率和死亡率的重要原因。此外,HPD的病史与母亲后期罹患心血管疾病的风险增加有关,这可能是由于不可逆的血管和代谢变化持续存在于受影响的妊娠之外。因此,HPD的治疗不仅可以改善立即妊娠的结果,而且可以改善产妇的长期心血管健康。与一般人群中高血压治疗的建议不同,HPD的治疗建议在过去的二十多年中并未发生实质性变化。这对于怀孕的轻度至中度高血压尤其如此,其定义为血压为140–159 / 90–109 mm Hg。这篇综述集中在HPD领域的治疗目标,治疗策略和新发展,在考虑血压目标和治疗孕妇高血压的药理选择时应考虑到这一点。



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