首页> 外文期刊>Cryptologia >Advanced Differential-Style Cryptanalysis of the NSA's Skipjack Block Cipher

Advanced Differential-Style Cryptanalysis of the NSA's Skipjack Block Cipher

机译:NSA Skipjack Block密码的高级差异式密码分析

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Skipjack is a block cipher designed by the NSA for use in US government phones, and commercial mobile and wireless products by AT&T. Among its initial implementations in hardware were the Clipper chip and Fortezza PC cards, which have since influenced the private communications market to be compatible with this technology. For instance, the Fortezza card comes in PCMCIA interface and is a very easy plug-n-play device to add on to mobile and wireless systems to provide encryption for wireless transmissions. Initially classified when it was first proposed, Skipjack was declassified in 1998, and it sparked numerous security analyses from security researchers worldwide because it provides insight into the state-of-the-art security design techniques used by a highly secretive government intelligence agency such as the NSA. In this paper, commemorating a decade since Skipjack's public revelation, we revisit the security of Skipjack, in particular its resistance to advanced differential-style distinguishers. In contrast to previous work that considered conventional and impossible differential distinguishers, we concentrate our attention on the more recent advanced differential-style and related-key distinguishers that were most likely not considered in the original design objectives of the NSA. In particular, we construct first-known related-key impossible differential, rectangle and related-key rectangle distinguishers of Skipjack. Our related-key attacks (i.e., related-key miss-in-the-middle and related-key rectangle attacks) are better than all the previous related-key attacks on Skipjack. Finally, we characterize the strength of Skipjack against ail these attacks and motivate reasons why, influenced by the Skipjack structure, some attacks fare better. What is intriguing about Skipjack is its simple key schedule and a structure that is a cross between conventional Feistel design principles and the unconventional use of different round types. This work complements past results on the security analysis of Skipjack and is hoped to provide further insight into the security of an NSA-designed block cipher; the only one publicly known to date.
机译:Skipjack是由NSA设计的分组密码,用于美国政府电话以及AT&T的商用移动和无线产品。 Clipper芯片和Fortezza PC卡是其最初在硬件上实现的产品,此后影响了专用通信市场以与该技术兼容。例如,Fortezza卡具有PCMCIA接口,是一种非常简单的即插即用设备,可以添加到移动和无线系统中,为无线传输提供加密。 Skipjack最初是在最初提出时进行分类的,但在1998年被解密,它引发了全球安全研究人员的众多安全分析,因为它可以洞悉高度机密的政府情报机构(例如,国家安全局。在本文中,为纪念Skipjack公开露面十周年,我们再次回顾了Skipjack的安全性,特别是它对先进的差分样式识别器的抵制。与以前的考虑常规和不可能的鉴别器的工作相反,我们将注意力集中在NSA原始设计目标中极有可能未考虑的,最新的先进的鉴别器和相关密钥鉴别器上。特别地,我们构造了Skipjack的第一个已知的相关键不可能差分,矩形和相关键矩形区分符。我们的相关密钥攻击(即相关密钥中间错失和相关密钥矩形攻击)比之前在Skipjack上进行的所有相关密钥攻击要好。最后,我们描述了所有这些攻击对Skipjack的抵抗力,并提出了在Skipjack结构的影响下,某些攻击进行得更好的原因。 Skipjack令人着迷的是其简单的密钥计划和结构,这是传统的Feistel设计原则与不同回合类型的非常规使用之间的交叉。这项工作是对Skipjack的安全性分析过去的结果的补充,并希望能进一步了解NSA设计的分组密码的安全性。迄今为止唯一已知的一种。



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