首页> 外文期刊>Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on >Plant-Friendly Signal Generation for System Identification Using a Modified Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) Methodology

Plant-Friendly Signal Generation for System Identification Using a Modified Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) Methodology


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The Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) methodology and a modified SPSA version (MSPSA-$K$ ) were investigated for the generation of plant-friendly multisinusoidal signals. Plant-friendly properties are determined by the sinusoidal phases that are optimally selected by either the SPSA or MSPSA- $K$ algorithms. The MSPSA- $K$ methodology principally differs from SPSA in that it perturbs the signal phase parameters in $K$ subsets rather than simultaneously. Both SPSA and MSPSA-$K$ provide a flexible, extensible computational framework to incorporate various plant-friendly performance measures into the design of an input signal for experimental design purposes in system identification. In this paper, an objective function comprised of the input signal crest factor, rate of change, acceleration, and output crest factor is presented and applied to a representative case study. A detailed analysis of the tradeoffs between these various performance measures is illustrated by the selection of the weighting values for the objective function components. Using the MSPSA-$K$ method, it was found that dividing the phase parameters into two subsets resulted in better performance than simultaneously perturbing all parameters. Dividing the phase parameters into four subsets, however, did not provide any significant additional benefit. The proposed method can be applied to signals with an arbitrarily defined spectrum (in both amplitude and frequency spacing) and is easily implemented.
机译:研究了同时扰动随机逼近(SPSA)方法和改进的SPSA版本(MSPSA- $ K $),以产生植物友好的多正弦信号。植物友好的特性由正弦相位决定,正弦相位通过SPSA或MSPSA- $ K $算法最佳选择。 MSPSA- $ K $方法与SPSA的主要区别在于,它会扰乱$ K $子集中的信号相位参数,而不是同时干扰。 SPSA和MSPSA- $ K $都提供了一个灵活,可扩展的计算框架,可以将各种植物友好的性能指标纳入输入信号的设计中,以用于系统识别中的实验设计。在本文中,提出了一个由输入信号波峰因数,变化率,加速度和输出波峰因数组成的目标函数,并将其应用于代表性案例研究中。通过选择目标函数组件的权重值,可以对这些各种性能度量之间的折衷进行详细分析。使用MSPSA- $ K $方法,发现将相位参数分为两个子集会比同时干扰所有参数产生更好的性能。但是,将相位参数分为四个子集并没有带来任何明显的额外好处。所提出的方法可以应用于具有任意定义的频谱的信号(在幅度和频率间隔上),并且易于实现。



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