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Bearing the lightning of possible storms: Foucault’s experimental social criticism


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This paper argues that Michel Foucault explicitly rejected the model of critique by which he is often understood—by both his defenders and detractors. Rather than justifying norms that could be said to represent “the people;” judging institutions, norms, and practices accordingly; and creating programs for others to enact, he theorized and practiced an experimental social criticism in which specific intellectuals help people work through “intolerable” situations by multiplying the ways they can think about and act upon them. As Foucault’s work with the prisons in France shows, one way intellectuals can be part of the experimental transformations social bodies carry out upon themselves is through genealogical work describing the ways problems have come to be identified—and can thus be transformed. This account of criticism undercuts the problem of justifying a standpoint of critique that has plagued philosophers and suggests a few concrete means of better aligning theory and practice.
机译:本文认为,米歇尔•福柯(Michel Foucault)明确地拒绝了他的辩护者和批评者都经常理解的批评模型。而不是为可以说代表“人民”的规范辩护。相应地评估机构,规范和实践;他制定并实践了可供他人使用的程序,并进行了理论上的社会批评,并进行了实践性的社会批评。在这种批评中,特定的知识分子通过加倍思考和采取行动的方式,帮助人们度过“无法忍受”的境地。正如福柯在法国监狱中的工作所表明的那样,知识分子可以成为社会机构对自己进行的实验性转变的一部分的一种方式,就是通过家谱学工作来描述如何发现问题并加以解决。对批评的描述削弱了为哲学家辩护的批评立场的合理性,并提出了一些使理论与实践更好结合的具体方法。



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