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Analysis of the mechanical behaviour of bituminous mixtures at low temperatures


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The assessment of the mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures at low and intermediate temperatures is of great interest because it is in this temperature range that cracking failure due to mechanisms associated with fatigue failure from repeated load applications, thermal stress fracture or a combination of both occurs. Both distresses are complex and difficult to simulate in laboratory, especially fatigue failure, which requires expensive and time-consuming equipment set-up. For this reason, these mechanisms are hardly considered in asphalt mix design. This paper describes two procedures for mix design and assessment developed at the Road Research Laboratory of the Technical University of Catalonia: Fenix and EBADE tests. Fenix is a Semi-Circular Single-Edge-Notched Tension (SENT) test while EBADE is a cyclic fatigue test on a prismatic specimen in Double-Edge-Notched Tension (DENT). The aim of this work is to analyze the ability of these tests to assess changes in the cracking resistance of binder-containing mixtures with test temperature. A "master curve" or curve of mixture property variation with temperature is drawn from test results to determine bituminous mix response, especially at low temperatures where cracking resistance is more critical.
机译:评估沥青混合物在低温和中温下的机械性能非常重要,因为在此温度范围内会发生由于与反复载荷应用,热应力断裂或两者结合而引起的疲劳失效相关的机制而导致的破裂失效。这两种情况都很复杂,并且很难在实验室中模拟,尤其是疲劳失效,这需要昂贵且耗时的设备设置。因此,在沥青混合料设计中几乎不考虑这些机理。本文介绍了由加泰罗尼亚技术大学道路研究实验室开发的两种混合料设计和评估程序:Fenix和EBADE测试。 Fenix是半圆形单边缺口拉力(SENT)测试,而EBADE是在棱柱形试样上以双边缺口拉力(DENT)进行的循环疲劳测试。这项工作的目的是分析这些测试的能力,以评估含粘合剂的混合物的抗裂性随测试温度的变化。从测试结果中得出“主曲线”或混合物性质随温度变化的曲线,以确定沥青混合料的响应,尤其是在抗裂性更为关键的低温下。



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