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Performance evaluation of a resinous cement mortar modified with crushed clay brick and tire rubber aggregate


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This paper reports an experimental study that aimed to investigate the effect of two wastes, as partial replacement of natural sand (NS), on the performances of a cement mortar reinforced by a resinous latex. These are tire rubber wastes in fine aggregate form (RW) and brick waste as filler (BW). The volume of the RW aggregates contents was 10%, 20% and 30% while, the BW fillers contents were 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%. Ten mortars were designated for this purpose and evaluated on dry unit weight, water absorption by total immersion, compressive and flexural strengths, shrinkage and water absorption by capillary suction. The workability of all mixtures was maintained constant by use of a local Ether Polycarboxylate superplasticiser (Medaplast SP 40). Test results indicated that the combined incorporation of 20% RW with 5% and 7.5% BW leads to a decrease in water absorption and shrinkage at 28 days. The deterioration of the 28 days compressive and flexural strengths induced by the incorporation of the RW aggregates can be significantly minimised by the introduction of BW fillers due to their capacity to compact the mixtures and to their pozzolanicity. A viable alternative for producing environmental mortar by the use of two wastes has been proven by this study. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文报道了一项旨在研究两种废物(作为天然砂的部分替代品)对树脂乳胶增强水泥砂浆性能的影响的实验研究。这些是细骨料形式的轮胎橡胶废料(RW)和填充砖的废物(BW)。 RW骨料含量的体积为10%,20%和30%,而BW填料含量为2.5%,5%,7.5%和10%。为此目的指定了十种砂浆,并对其干重,通过全浸的吸水率,抗压和抗弯强度,收缩率和通过毛细吸水率进行了评估。通过使用局部的醚聚羧酸盐高效减水剂(Medaplast SP 40),所有混合物的可加工性保持恒定。测试结果表明,将20%的RW与5%和7.5%的BW混合使用会导致28天吸水率和收缩率降低。由于加入了RW填料,由于其可压实混合物的能力和其火山灰性,可显着降低由于掺入RW骨料而引起的28天抗压强度和挠曲强度的降低。这项研究证明了通过使用两种废物生产环境砂浆的可行替代方案。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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