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Mechanical properties of compound concrete containing demolished concrete lumps after freeze-thaw cycles


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The frost resistance of the compound concrete made of fresh concrete (FC) and demolished concrete lumps (DCLs) distinctly larger than conventional recycled aggregates was tested in the laboratory. Forty-eight 300 mm cubes of compound concrete and seventy-two 100 mm cubes of FC or demolished concrete alone were subjected to freeze-thaw cycling, and the compressive and splitting-loading failure strength of the frozen and thawed specimens was measured. Applicability of the linear strength assumption for the compound concrete at room temperature (i.e., the compound concrete strength is a linear combination of the strength of FC and demolished concrete) to the frozen and thawed compound concrete is examined. With an increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles, the tensile-splitting strength of the compound concrete decreases more rapidly than that of FC, but this trend is not very clear for the compressive strength. The ratio of tensile-splitting strength to compressive strength for the compound concrete was only about 78% of the ratio for FC. The linear strength assumption can still be used to predict the compressive strength of compound concrete after freeze-thaw cycling, but it cannot be used to predict the tensile-splitting strength. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在实验室中测试了由新鲜混凝土(FC)和已拆除的混凝土块(DCL)制成的复合混凝土的抗冻性明显大于传统的再生骨料。单独对48个300毫米的复合混凝土立方体和72个100毫米的FC或拆除的混凝土进行冻融循环,并测量了冻融样品的压缩和劈裂荷载破坏强度。研究了在室温下将复合混凝土的线性强度假设(即复合混凝土强度是FC和已拆除混凝土的强度的线性组合)应用于冷冻和融化的复合混凝土的适用性。随着冻融循环次数的增加,复合混凝土的抗拉劈强度比FC的降低更快,但是抗压强度的趋势不是很明显。复合混凝土的抗拉强度与抗压强度之比仅为FC的约78%。线强度假设仍可用于预测冻融循环后复合混凝土的抗压强度,但不能用于预测拉伸断裂强度。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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