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Freeze-thaw resistance of Class F fly ash-based geopolymer concrete


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A set of Class F fly ash-based geopolymer concrete with slag gradient, namely, GPC-10 (10% slag content), GPC-30 (30% slag content) and GPC-50 (50% slag content), was prepared to study its freeze-thaw resistance. GPC-10 was wrapped in aluminum foil and cured at 80 degrees C for 24 h to accelerate strength development. The others were cured under standard conditions (20 +/- 2 degrees C, relative humidity >= 95%). Rapid freeze-thaw cycle testing was carried out according to ASTM C666, and an ordinary Portland cement concrete (OPCC) sample was used as the control. The freeze-thaw resistance was evaluated by mass loss, relative dynamic elasticity modulus and compressive strength loss. In addition, the microstructure and mineralogy were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), energy dispersive X-ray spectrosocpy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that GPC-10 is damaged after five freeze-thaw cycles, although high temperature curing improves its freeze-thaw resistance. GPC-30 is damaged in 50 freeze-thaw cycles, while GPC-50 can withstand 225 freeze-thaw cycles, which is comparable to the freeze-thaw resistance of the OPCC. Also, 125 freeze-thaw cycles marks an inflection point for the freeze-thaw resistance of GPC-50, which is verified by the SEM and MIP results. The effect of adding slag on the enhanced freeze-thaw resistance was analyzed by EDS and XRD. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:制备了一组具有矿渣梯度的F级粉煤灰基土聚合物混凝土,即GPC-10(矿渣含量为10%),GPC-30(矿渣含量为30%)和GPC-50(矿渣含量为50%),以达到以下目的:研究其抗冻融性。将GPC-10包裹在铝箔中,并在80摄氏度下固化24小时,以加快强度发展。其他的则在标准条件下(20 +/- 2摄氏度,相对湿度> = 95%)固化。根据ASTM C666进行快速的冻融循环测试,并使用普通的波特兰水泥混凝土(OPCC)样品作为对照。通过质量损失,相对动弹性模量和抗压强度损失来评价耐冻融性。此外,使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM),压汞法(MIP),能量色散X射线能谱(EDS)和X射线衍射(XRD)对显微组织和矿物学进行了表征。结果显示,尽管高温固化提高了其抗冻融性,但在五个冻融循环后GPC-10受到了破坏。 GPC-30在50次冻融循环中受损,而GPC-50可以承受225次冻融循环,这与OPCC的抗冻融性相当。同样,125个冻融循环标志着GPC-50的抗冻融拐点,这已通过SEM和MIP结果得到验证。通过EDS和XRD分析了添加炉渣对增强的抗冻融性的影响。 (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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