首页> 外文期刊>Conservation Genetics >Limited genetic differentiation among breeding, molting, and wintering groups of the threatened Steller’s eider: the role of historic and contemporary factors

Limited genetic differentiation among breeding, molting, and wintering groups of the threatened Steller’s eider: the role of historic and contemporary factors


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Due to declines in the Alaska breeding population, the Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri) was listed as threatened in North America in 1997. Periodic non-breeding in Russia and Alaska has hampered field-based assessments of behavioral patterns critical to recovery plans, such as levels of breeding site fidelity and movements among three regional populations: Atlantic-Russia, Pacific-Russia and Alaska. Therefore, we analyzed samples from across the species range with seven nuclear microsatellite DNA loci and cytochrome b mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequence data to infer levels of interchange among sampling areas and patterns of site fidelity. Results demonstrated low levels of population differentiation within Atlantic and Pacific nesting areas, with higher levels observed between these regions, but only for mtDNA. Bayesian analysis of microsatellite data from wintering and molting birds showed no signs of sub-population structure, even though band-recovery data suggests multiple breeding areas are present. We observed higher estimates of F-statistics for female mtDNA data versus male data, suggesting female-biased natal site fidelity. Summary statistics for mtDNA were consistent with models of historic population expansion. Lack of spatial structure in Steller’s eiders may result largely from insufficient time since historic population expansions for behaviors, such as natal site fidelity, to isolate breeding areas genetically. However, other behaviors such as the periodic non-breeding observed in Steller’s eiders may also play a more contemporary role in genetic homogeneity, especially for microsatellite loci.
机译:由于阿拉斯加繁殖种群的减少,1997年斯特勒绒鸭(Polysticta stelleri)被列为北美威胁动物。俄罗斯和阿拉斯加的定期非繁育活动阻碍了田间对恢复计划至关重要的行为模式的评估,例如三个区域种群之间的繁殖地点保真度和移动水平:大西洋-俄罗斯,太平洋-俄罗斯和阿拉斯加。因此,我们使用7个核微卫星DNA基因座和细胞色素b线粒体(mt)DNA序列数据分析了整个物种范围内的样本,以推断出采样区域之间的互换水平和站点保真度模式。结果表明,大西洋和太平洋筑巢地区的种群分化水平较低,在这些区域之间观察到的水平较高,但仅针对mtDNA。尽管带恢复数据表明存在多个繁殖区域,但对越冬和蜕皮鸟类的微卫星数据的贝叶斯分析没有显示亚种群结构的迹象。我们观察到女性mtDNA数据相对于男性数据的F统计量更高,表明女性偏向出生地保真度。 mtDNA的摘要统计与历史人口增长模型一致。史特勒绒鸭绒缺乏空间结构的主要原因可能是时间的不足,因为历史上的种群扩展会导致行为发生(例如出生地点的保真度)从遗传上隔离繁殖区域。但是,其他行为,例如在斯特勒的绒毛中观察到的周期性非繁殖行为,也可能在遗传同质性方面发挥着更现代的作用,尤其是对于微卫星基因座。



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