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Choosing the Right PROJECTION SCREEN


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Which comes first-the screen or the projector? Many uninformed folks pick out their projectors and throw in screens almost as afterthoughts. This is, of course, an egregious mistake that would leave you with a subpar, or even bad, home-theater experience. In fact, a screen is in no small part responsible for the quality of your two-piece rear- or front-projection system's image. You should think of your projector and screen as a dynamic duo whose fate largely depends on the conditions of your room. Depending on your screen-projector combo, if the room is too bright, your image could suffer, if the room is too narrow or too wide, the image could suffer. Like Goldilocks, you want something that is going to look "just right" in your room. The process of selecting a screen can be complicated and highly technical, so you will need the help of your neighborhood custom installer. Joaquin Rivera, North American sales manager for Stewart Filmscreen Corp., says, "The process of selecting a screen can be so complex, we train all of our dealers—and then, when they order a screen from us, we ask them questions to make absolutely sure they are selecting the right screen. That's how tricky it can get."
机译:屏幕或投影仪是先出现的?许多不了解情况的人几乎在事后才挑选投影仪并投掷银幕。当然,这是一个严重的错误,可能使您的家庭影院体验不佳,甚至糟糕。实际上,屏幕在很大程度上决定了两片式背投或前投系统的图像质量。您应该将投影仪和屏幕视为动态组合,其命运在很大程度上取决于您房间的条件。根据屏幕投影仪组合的不同,如果房间太亮,则图像可能会受到影响;如果房间太窄或太宽,则图像可能会受到影响。像Goldilocks一样,您想要在房间中看起来“恰到好处”的东西。选择屏幕的过程可能很复杂且技术含量很高,因此您将需要社区自定义安装程序的帮助。 Stewart Filmscreen Corp.北美销售经理Joaquin Rivera说:“选择银幕的过程可能非常复杂,我们会培训所有经销商,然后,当他们向我们订购银幕时,我们会问他们以下问题:绝对确保他们选择的是正确的屏幕。那真是棘手。”



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