首页> 外文期刊>International journal of comadem >Maintenance performance measurement system: Application of ICT and e-Maintenance Concepts

Maintenance performance measurement system: Application of ICT and e-Maintenance Concepts


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With emergence of intelligent sensors to measure and monitor the health state of the components and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT), conceptualization and implementation of e-Maintenance is becoming a reality. e-Maintenance facilitates decision making in real time by monitoring plant and systems health and its behaviour in real time, benchmarking the status against the specified standards and by evaluating the associated business risks with various alternatives at hand by using embedded intelligent sensors internet and technology. To benchmark the health state and the performance characteristics invariably different types of performance trend charts and indicators are envisioned to be generated and implemented for use by the experts while making decisions in maintenance. Though, e-Maintenance shows a lot of promise, seamless integration of ICT into the industrial environment and setting, remains a challenge. In this paper, the author argues that understanding the requirements and constraints from maintenance performance and ICT perspective is essential for effective implementation of such concepts. The related issues are needed to be addressed for successful use of ICT and e-Maintenance for measuring maintenance performance. The paper discusses the concepts of e-Maintenance and is based on experiences gained through an ongoing project in this area and examines its applicability for generating on-line indicators suitable for various hierarchies in management.



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