首页> 外文期刊>Concurrency and computation: practice and experience >@PT: Unobtrusive parallel programming with Java annotations

@PT: Unobtrusive parallel programming with Java annotations


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Parallel computing techniques have been supported by programming languages in two majorways: either library-based APIs or extended language constructs. Library-based features areportable and offer fine-grained control on parallelization details. However, they rely on individualprogrammerskills; thus, theymay lead to inconsistent implementations and considerable coderestructurings. On the contrary, language constructs promote environments that largely concealthe details of parallel programming techniques. However, they normally reduce programmercontrol over the granularity of parallelization and impose additional development concepts andcompilation requirements that may sacrifice ease of use and portability. Therefore, approachesthat balance between programmer control on parallelization details, intuitiveness of concepts,and portability can gain priority over other paradigms. In this paper, we discuss@PT (AnnotationParallelTask), a parallel computing frameworkthat proposes Java annotations, standard Java components,as its language constructs.@PT takes an object-oriented approach on efficient executionand management of asynchronous tasks, with a special focus on GUI-responsive applications.This paper presents the annotation-based programming interface of the framework and its fundamentalparallelization concepts. Furthermore, it studies the usability and performance of @PTby comparisons with other Java parallelization approaches in a set of standard benchmarks. Theobservations suggest that @PT maintains a simple programming interface, whereas it performsefficiently in different parallel computing domains.
机译:两种主要的编程语言已支持并行计算技术:基于库的API或扩展语言构造。基于库的功能是 r n便携式的,并提供对并行化详细信息的细粒度控制。但是,他们依靠个人的 r n程序员技能。因此,它们可能导致不一致的实现和大量的代码重组。相反,语言构造促进了在很大程度上掩盖并行编程技术细节的环境。但是,它们通常会减少程序员对并行化粒度的控制,并强加可能会牺牲易用性和可移植性的其他开发概念和编译要求。因此,在程序员对并行化细节的控制,概念的直观性和可移植性之间取得平衡的方法可以优先于其他范例。在本文中,我们讨论@PT(Annotation r nParallelTask​​),这是一个并行计算框架,提出了Java批注,标准Java组件, r nas其语言构造。@ PT采用了一种面向对象的方法来有效执行 r 异步任务的nand管理,特别关注GUI响应应用程序。 r n本文介绍了该框架的基于注释的编程接口及其基本的 n n并行化概念。此外,它通过与一组标准基准测试中的其他Java并行化方法进行比较,研究了@PT r n的可用性和性能。 r nobservations建议@PT维护一个简单的编程接口,而它在不同的并行计算域中执行效率较低。



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