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Generating new test instances by evolving in instance space


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Our confidence in the future performance of any algorithm, including optimization algorithms, depends on how carefully we select test instances so that the generalization of algorithm performance on future instances can be inferred. In recent work, we have established a methodology to generate a 2-d representation of the instance space, comprising a set of known test instances. This instance space shows the similarities and differences between the instances using measurable features or properties, and enables the performance of algorithms to be viewed across the instance space, where generalizations can be inferred. The power of this methodology is the insights that can be generated into algorithm strengths and weaknesses by examining the regions in instance space where strong performance can be expected. The representation of the instance space is dependent on the choice of test instances however. In this paper we present a methodology for generating new test instances with controllable properties, by filling observed gaps in the instance space. This enables the generation of rich new sets of test instances to support better the understanding of algorithm strengths and weaknesses. The methodology is demonstrated on graph colouring as a case study. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们对任何算法(包括优化算法)未来性能的信心取决于我们选择测试实例的谨慎程度,以便可以推断出算法性能在未来实例上的一般化。在最近的工作中,我们已经建立了一种方法来生成实例空间的二维表示,包括一组已知的测试实例。该实例空间使用可测量的特征或属性显示了实例之间的异同,并使得可以跨实例空间查看算法的性能,从而可以推断出一般性。该方法的强大功能是通过检查实例空间​​中可以预期获得强劲性能的区域,可以将这些见解转化为算法的强项和弱项。但是,实例空间的表示取决于测试实例的选择。在本文中,我们介绍了一种通过填充实例空间中观察到的间隙来生成具有可控属性的新测试实例的方法。这使得能够生成丰富的新测试实例集,以支持更好地理解算法的优缺点。该方法已作为案例研究在图形着色上得到证明。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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