首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >I love my selfie! An investigation of overt and covert narcissism to understand selfie-posting behaviors within three geographic communities

I love my selfie! An investigation of overt and covert narcissism to understand selfie-posting behaviors within three geographic communities


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What motivates selfie-posting on social media? Although several studies suggest that narcissistic traits predict online behaviors, different types of narcissism may influence specific online behaviors. In the existing literature, two types of narcissism are frequently considered, overt (externally directed) and covert (internally directed) narcissism, where overt narcissism is the better-known construct. The utility of using the broader construct of overt narcissism, as opposed to specific sub-components, is a matter of ongoing debate in the literature and little research has explored the factor structure of covert narcissism at all. The subcomponents of both types of narcissism are used to explore participants' motivations for selfie-posting, in addition to community membership (i.e. culture) and demographics. Therefore, the current study investigated whether selfie-posting could be predicted by narcissism, demographics, and community membership. Participants from the Midwest US (n = 194), Northeast US (n = 276), and the Lebanese Republic (n = 260) took an online survey. Results supported a two-component structure for covert narcissism, suggesting that this variable should be considered multidimensional in nature. Selfie-posting frequency was predicted by gender, geographic community, and grandiose narcissism. Participants who were female, from the Northeast, and reported more grandiose narcissism posted selfies more frequently. Findings suggest that selfie-posting is favored by those with more histrionic tendencies (grandiose narcissism) and that community norms, including those which shape gendered behavior, likely play a role in the active use of social media sites.
机译:是什么促使在社交媒体上发布自拍照?尽管一些研究表明,自恋特征可以预测在线行为,但是不同类型的自恋可能会影响特定的在线行为。在现有文献中,经常考虑两种类型的自恋,即显性自恋(外部定向)和隐性自恋(内部定向),其中显性自恋是众所周知的构造。与特定的子组件相对,使用更广泛的公开自恋的工具的实用性是文献中不断争论的问题,几乎没有研究探讨秘密自恋的因素结构。除了社区成员资格(即文化)和人口统计信息外,这两种自恋的子成分都用于探讨参与者自拍照张贴的动机。因此,本研究调查了是否可以通过自恋,人口统计学和社区成员身份来预测自拍照发布。来自美国中西部(n = 194),美国东北(n = 276)和黎巴嫩共和国(n = 260)的参与者进行了在线调查。结果支持秘密自恋的两部分结构,表明该变量本质上应被视为多维。自拍照发布的频率由性别,地理社区和宏大的自恋来预测。来自东北,报告更多自恋现象的女性参与者更常发布自拍照。研究结果表明,具有自发性倾向(自恋)的人更喜欢自拍照发布,并且社区规范(包括那些塑造性别行为的规范)可能在社交媒体网站的积极使用中发挥作用。



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