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The effects of need for cognition on Internet use


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One of the undisputed roles of the Internet is information spreading. However, to this day there is little understanding of the interaction between the way in which information is provided on the Internet and the behavior of different human personality types. This article focuses on the impact of the need for cognition on the desired level of interactivity of a given Website and on web surfing in general. For this experiment, four commercialized Websites were used: (1) flat with no hyperlinks and no time pressure; (2) flat with time pressure; (3) interactive with no time pressure; and (4) interactive with time pressure. All of the Websites contained identical information presented in different ways. The relations between need for cognition as a personality variable, time pressure as a situa-tional stressor, the interactivity of the Web site, and several demographic variables were examined on Internet users' behavior while surfing and on their preferences. One hundred and eighty-two experienced Web surfers took part in the experiment and were randomly assigned to one of the Websites. The number of hyperlinks used while surfing were counted by specially designed software. After surfing, the participants completed questionnaires regarding their satisfaction from the site, their willingness to return to the site, how persuasive the site was, and demographic data. It was predicted that people with high need for cognition would be more experienced in the Internet, use more hyperlinks, and stay longer in the site. People with a low need for cognition were predicted to prefer interactive over linear sites. Results support the preferences of people low in need for cognition of an interactive site. Other predictions were supported only partially. Implementations for Website design and further research are discussed.
机译:互联网无可争议的作用之一就是信息传播。但是,到目前为止,人们对在互联网上提供信息的方式与不同人格类型的行为之间的相互作用尚缺乏了解。本文重点关注认知需求对给定网站的期望交互性水平的影响,以及总体上对网络冲浪的影响。在本实验中,使用了四个商业化网站:(1)没有超链接且没有时间压力的扁平网站; (2)随时间压力平整; (3)没有时间压力的互动; (4)与时间压力互动。所有网站均包含以不同方式呈现的相同信息。在互联网用户上网时的上网行为及其偏好方面,研究了将认知需求作为人格变量,作为压力源的时间压力,网站的交互性以及几个人口统计学变量之间的关系。 182名经验丰富的网络冲浪者参加了该实验,并被随机分配到其中一个网站。冲浪时使用的超链接数量由专门设计的软件计算。冲浪后,参与者填写了有关站点的满意度,返回站点的意愿,站点的说服力以及人口统计数据的问卷。据预测,对认知有很高需求的人们将在Internet上拥有更多的经验,使用更多的超链接,并在该站点中停留更长的时间。预测人们对认知的需求较低,他们倾向于线性站点而不是交互式站点。结果支持了对交互式网站认知度较低的人们的偏好。其他预测仅得到部分支持。讨论了网站设计和进一步研究的实现。



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