首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >Is there social capital in service exchange tools?: Investigating timebanking use and social capital development

Is there social capital in service exchange tools?: Investigating timebanking use and social capital development


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Timebanking is a peer-to-peer service exchange tool in which the services exchanged are valued by the time it takes to provide them. This study complements previous work by empirically examining if timebanking is positively related to social capital development. Grounded in the theoretical model of social capital, the study incorporated self-efficacy and timebanking activities (requests and offers) as predictor variables, trust and reciprocity as dimension variables, and sense of community as outcome variable of social capital. Using data from a survey distributed across the timebanks nationwide (N = 429), our findings provided evidence of positive relationships among self-efficacy, requests on timebanks, trust, and sense of community. We conclude that timebanking use is a promising way to develop social capital. Our study contributes to the understanding of social capital development on different mediated platforms. Unlike social network site Use, it does not require members to personally construct the networks to reap associated social benefits. Timebanks help connect people, pool resources from the community, and pave the way for trust and reciprocity among members. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:时间银行是一种点对点服务交换工具,其中交换的服务按提供它们所需的时间进行估价。这项研究通过实证检验时间安排是否与社会资本发展正相关来补充先前的工作。在社会资本理论模型的基础上,该研究将自我效能和时间安排活动(请求和要约)作为预测变量,将信任和互惠作为维度变量,并把社区意识作为社会资本的结果变量。我们使用来自全国各地时间银行的调查数据(N = 429),我们的发现提供了自我效能,对时间银行的要求,信任和社区意识之间正相关的证据。我们得出结论,使用时间银行是发展社会资本的一种有前途的方式。我们的研究有助于理解不同中介平台上的社会资本发展。与社交网站“使用”不同,它不需要成员亲自构建网络即可获得相关的社会利益。时光银行可以帮助人们建立联系,从社区中汇集资源,并为成员之间的信任和互惠铺平道路。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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