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Towards Clique-Based Fusion of Graph Streams in Multi-Function System Testing


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Straipsnyje pristatomas daugiafunkcini? sistem? testavimas suliejant klik? tipo struktūras. Nagrin?jamos ?itokios aib?s: (i) posistem?s (sistemos dalys/komponentai/moduliai), (ii) sistemos funkcijos ir sistemos komponent? poaibis skirtas realizuoti kiekvienai sistemos funkcijai, (iii) funkcij? klasteriai (funkcij?, vykdom? kartu, grup?s). Testavimo procedūros vykdomos kiekvienai posistemei. Procedūr? rezultatai kiekvienam komponentui i?rei?kiami ordinalioje skal?je (pvz., būviai, spalvos). Kiekvienai sistemos funkcijai analizuojamas sistemos komponent? grafas atsi?velgiant ? j? ordinalius ?ver?ius/spalvas. V?liau nagrin?jamas integruotas klasteri? grafas. Integruot? graf? struktūrose ie?koma subgraf?, kurie gali s?lygoti sistemos klaidas. Pasiūlyta metodika iliustruojama skaitmeniniais pavyzd?iais.%The article describes multi-function system testing based on fusion (or revelation) of clique-like structures. The following sets are considered: (i) subsystems (system parts or units/components/modules), (ii) system functions and a subset of system components for each system function, and (iii) function clusters (some groups of system functions which are used jointly). Test procedures (as units testing) are used for each subsystem. The procedures lead to an ordinal result (states, colors) for each component (e.g., 'out of service', 'major faults', 'minor faults', 'trouble free service'). For each system function a graph over corresponding system components is examined while taking into account ordinal estimates/colors of the components. Further, an integrated graph for each function cluster is considered (this graph integrates the graphs for corresponding system functions). For the integrated graph structure revelation problems are under examination (revelation of some subgraphs which can lead to system faults). Numerical examples illustrate the approach and problems.
机译:文章介绍多功能吗?系统?通过合并点击进行测试?类型结构。考虑以下集合:(i)子系统(系统部件/组件/模块),(ii)系统功能和系统组件。实现系统每个功能的子集,(iii)功能?集群(一起执行的功能,分组)。对每个子系统执行测试程序。程序?每个组件的结果均以序数表示(例如状态,颜色)。是否针对每个系统功能分析了系统组件?算根据? ??普通坚果/颜色。然后检查集成集群。计数。集成?图形?结构查找可能导致系统错误的子图。数值示例说明了所提出的方法。%本文介绍了基于团状结构融合(或展示)的多功能系统测试。考虑以下集合:(i)子系统(系统部件或单元/组件/模块),(ii)系统功能和每个系统功能的系统组件的子集,以及(iii)功能集群(某些系统功能组,一起使用)。每个子系统都使用测试程序(作为单元测试)。该程序会得出每个组件的序数结果(状态,颜色)(例如,“服务中断”,“重大故障”,“次要故障”,“无故障服务”)。对于每个系统功能,在考虑组件的顺序估算/颜色的同时,检查相应系统组件上的图形。此外,考虑了每个功能集群的集成图(此图集成了对应系统功能的图)。对于集成图结构,正在研究启示问题(某些子图的启示会导致系统故障)。数值例子说明了方法和问题。



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