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User demand for internet services(is the infrastructure ready?


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The Internet is growing. As a source of spectacular innovation, the Internet and its frontier mentality brings thousands of new kinds of bandwidth-hungry applications and new uses to an ever-growing mass of businesses and consumers at a pace that the communications industry has never seen before. This paper reviews three global Internet access infrastructure ‘categories'. It presents the issues these network architectures and their owner's face and finally reviews potential solutions that can improve the access network's flexibility in adapting to the social and technological tsunami that has become the Internet. The question of‘is the infrastructure ready ?' is answered with how to make it resilient to user demands for capacity and economical access balancing shareholder demands for profitable operations.
机译:互联网正在发展。作为引人注目的创新的源头,互联网及其前沿思想以通信行业前所未有的速度为成千上万的企业和消费者带来了数以千计的新型带宽需求型应用程序和新用途。本文回顾了三个全球Internet访问基础架构的“类别”。它提出了这些网络体系结构及其所有者的面孔的问题,并最后回顾了潜在的解决方案,这些解决方案可以提高接入网适应已成为Internet的社会和技术海啸的灵活性。 “基础设施准备好了吗?”的问题如何使它适应用户对容量和经济访问的需求,从而平衡股东对获利运营的需求,就可以回答这一问题。



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