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Ismat: a virtual machine for compositional parallelism


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Parallel programming is hard. Developers must not only solve the problem at hand, but do so in a manner which can best utilize the available resources.rnIn this paper we introduce Ismat, a virtual machine which supports parallelism concerns in an abstracted and inherent manner. Ismat endeavors to simplify the transition from a sequential to parallel environment by providing fundamentally sequential semantics in a parallel realm. Developers incrementally introduce parallelism and performance in contrast to parallelism and correctness. Additionally, Ismat provides and promotes parallel composition to solve problems; reducing developer effort and promoting reuse.rnWe present a detailed explanation of the proposed virtual machine including constructs and semantics. We argue that the resulting virtual machine reduces programmer complexity, provides better abstractions and allows for the exploitation of resources on heterogeneous machines for a range of parallel problems.
机译:并行编程很难。开发人员不仅必须解决眼前的问题,而且还必须以最有效地利用可用资源的方式来解决问题。在本文中,我们介绍了Ismat,这是一种虚拟机,它以抽象和固有的方式支持并行性问题。 Ismat努力通过在并行领域中提供基本的顺序语义来简化从顺序环境到并行环境的过渡。与并行性和正确性相反,开发人员逐步引入并行性和性能。此外,Ismat还提供并促进并行解决方案来解决问题;减少开发人员的工作量并促进重用。我们将对所提议的虚拟机进行详细说明,包括构造和语义。我们认为,最终的虚拟机降低了程序员的复杂性,提供了更好的抽象,并允许利用异构机器上的资源来解决一系列并行问题。



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