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Persistence and desistance: Examining the impact of re-integrative shaming to ethics in Taiwan juvenile hackers


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The Internet community has been addressing the unethical behavior of juvenile delinquents for years. Nevertheless, the concepts of hacker shame and ethics have received little empirical study from a theoretical perspective in the field of cyber criminology. Braithwaite's re-integrative Shaming Theory posits that it can restrain individuals from committing future offenses, and that those who participate in this shaming process are less likely to consider breaking the law in the first place. Among the abundance of crimi-nological theories, the re-integrative Shaming Theory may be the most suitable theory to restrain hacker activities. This study focuses on the working relationship between nine juvenile delinquents and the shaming mechanism applied to them. However, applying this approach to reduce recidivism among computer hackers requires a great deal of time and effort. It is proposed that the state of shame or remorse is associated with the compounded affective processes of hacker ethics. The proposed solution creates a code of ethics for hackers, distinguishes right from wrong, and ensures a greater success for Braithwaite's re-integrative shaming methods. This paper discusses the problems and solutions related to the Shaming Theory, as well as their usefulness in the context of community-based restorative justice. It is argued that re-integrative shaming, without appropriate consideration for the offender's personal code of ethics, is insufficient when handling hacking offenses committed by juveniles. Our main concern is to find out how to help or encourage the offender's reintegration and re-entering into the community, and how s/he can avoid failure. It is hoped that our proposed strategy can prevent future offending behaviors by these juveniles. Implications drawn from the findings are discussed, and suggestions are offered to ensure the success of this theory when applied to juvenile hackers.
机译:互联网社区多年来一直致力于解决少年犯的不道德行为。尽管如此,从网络犯罪学的理论角度来看,关于黑客耻辱和道德观念的研究还很少。 Braithwaite的重新整合的羞辱理论认为,它可以抑制个人将来犯下的罪行,并且参与此羞辱过程的人不太可能首先考虑违反法律。在众多犯罪学理论中,重新整合的羞辱理论可能是抑制黑客活动的最合适理论。这项研究侧重于九名少年犯之间的工作关系以及对其应用的羞辱机制。但是,采用这种方法来减少计算机黑客的再犯需要大量的时间和精力。有人提出羞辱或se悔的状态与黑客道德的复合情感过程有关。提出的解决方案为黑客创建了道德守则,区分是非,并确保Braithwaite的重新整合式整形方法获得更大的成功。本文讨论了与羞辱理论相关的问题和解决方案,以及它们在基于社区的恢复性司法中的有用性。有人认为,在没有适当考虑犯罪者个人道德规范的情况下,重新整合羞辱在处理少年犯的骇客犯罪时是不够的。我们的主要关注点是找出如何帮助或鼓励罪犯重返社会并重新融入社区,以及他/她如何避免失败。希望我们提出的策略可以防止这些少年今后的冒犯行为。讨论了从调查结果中得出的含义,并提出了一些建议,以确保将该理论应用于少年黑客时能够成功。



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