
Raising Kaena


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Five years in the making, the 90-minute adventure from Xilam Animation in Paris boldly departs from the tried-and-true cartoon-like look of such US blockbusters as Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Ice Age, and introduces a unique painterly style to evolve its sophisticated character-driven story. Also impressive is the fact that the digital artists created this feature entirely with commercial software, which forced them to overcome technical challenges by creatively applying the tools at hand, rather than developing specialized code. Even Kama's story line deviates significantly from those of its US film cousins. Rather than presenting a humorous chil-dren's tale, the movie explores a serious theme directed at teen and adult audiences, although occasionally two worm-like characters offer a dose of comic relief. Kaena unfolds within the fantasy world of a giant tree, known as the Axis, which is inhabited by a tribe of people whose main focus is harvesting the tree's sap, which they then offer to the gods. When the sap begins to dry up, a young woman called Kaena (voiced by Kirsten Dunst) leaves her village to find the root of the problem and a solution. A courageous dreamer, Kaena travels to the forbidden region beneath the clouds. There, she encounters a host of unusual and sometimes hostile creatures, including the Selenites, a race that is also trying to save the tree from impending doom, albeit through the enslavement of others.
机译:制作五年,巴黎希拉姆动画公司历时90分钟的冒险大胆地偏离了玩具总动员,怪兽公司和冰河世纪等美国大片的久经考验的卡通风格,并引入了独特的绘画风格来发展其复杂的角色驱动故事。令人印象深刻的是,数字艺术家完全使用商业软件来创建此功能,这迫使他们通过创造性地应用手头的工具而不是开发专门的代码来克服技术难题。甚至卡玛(Kama)的故事情节与美国电影表亲的故事情节也大不相同。这部电影并没有呈现幽默的儿童故事,而是探索了针对青少年和成人观众的严肃主题,尽管偶尔有两个蠕虫般的角色也能给人以漫画般的缓解。凯娜(Kaena)在一个幻想的世界中展开,这棵巨大的树被称为轴(Axis),该树居住着一个部落,其主要重点是收获树液,然后提供给众神。汁液开始干dry时,一个叫凯娜(Kaena)的年轻女子(由柯斯滕·邓斯特(Kirsten Dunst)发声)离开她的村庄,寻找问题的根源和解决方案。怀着勇气的梦想家,凯娜(Kaena)前往云端下的禁区。在那儿,她遇到了许多不寻常的,有时甚至是敌对的生物,包括亚硒酸钠,该种族也试图通过紧急奴役来挽救即将发生的厄运。



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