首页> 外文期刊>Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE >Making Augmented Reality Practical on Mobile Phones, Part 1

Making Augmented Reality Practical on Mobile Phones, Part 1


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In 2003, we started an AR framework for mobile phones. We intended its first generation as primarily a proof of feasibility. The second generation was an attempt to port a fully featured PC-based AR framework, Studierstube 4, to a phone platform. You can port existing applications and make them run on mobile phones. However, as we had to painfully experience ourselves, this approach typically produces slow, bloated, and unstable software. Optimally using phones' scarce resources requires different algorithms and architectural decisions than for PCs, leading to a complete reengineering of an existing solution. So, for the third generation, Studierstube ES, we largely abandoned compatibility requirements and added new elements to the design, such as an asymmetric client-server technique, that are specific to mobile devices. In this first installment of our two-part tale of Studierstube ES and what we've learned along the way, we describe the mobile phone platform's restrictions and how our software architecture allows fast development of mobile phone AR applications.
机译:2003年,我们启动了手机AR框架。我们打算将其第一代产品主要作为可行性的证明。第二代尝试将功能齐全的基于PC的AR框架Studierstube 4移植到电话平台上。您可以移植现有应用程序并使它们在手机上运行。但是,由于我们不得不痛苦地体验自己,因此这种方法通常会生成速度慢,ated肿且不稳定的软件。与PC相比,最佳利用电话的稀缺资源需要不同的算法和体系结构决策,从而需要对现有解决方案进行全面的重新设计。因此,对于第三代Studierstube ES,我们在很大程度上放弃了兼容性要求,并在设计中添加了针对移动设备的新元素,例如非对称客户端-服务器技术。在我们的两部分Studierstube ES故事的第一部分中,以及我们在此过程中学到的知识,我们描述了手机平台的限制以及我们的软件架构如何允许快速开发手机AR应用程序。



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