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Towards the Issues in Architectural Support for Protection of Software Execution


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Recently, there is a growing interest in the research community to employ tamper-resistant processors for software protection. Many of these proposed systems rely on a specially tailored secure processor to prevent 1) illegal software duplication, 2) unauthorized software modification, and 3) unauthorized software reverse engineering. Most of these works primarily focus on the feasibility demonstration and design details rather than trying to elucidate many fundamental issues that are either "elusive" or "confusing" to the architecture researchers. Furthermore, many proposed systems have been built on assumptions whose security implications have not been well studied or understood. Instead of proposing yet another new secure architecture model, in this paper, we will try to answer some of these fundamental questions with respect to using hardware-based cryptography for protecting software execution. Those issues include, 1) Is hardware cryptography necessary? 2) Is per-process single cryptography key enough to provide the flexibility, inter-operability, and compatibility required by today's complex software system? 3) Is OTP (one-time-pad) in combination with "lazy" authentication secure enough to protect software confidentiality? 4) Is there way to protect software integrity using less hardware resource? Finally, the paper defines the difference between off-line and on-line attacks and presents a very low overhead security enhancement technique that can improve protection on software integrity over on-line attacks by several magnitudes.
机译:近来,研究界越来越有兴趣采用防篡改处理器进行软件保护。这些提议的系统中的许多系统都依赖于专门定制的安全处理器来防止1)非法软件复制,2)未经授权的软件修改和3)未经授权的软件反向工程。这些工作大部分都集中在可行性论证和设计细节上,而不是试图阐明许多对架构研究人员“难以捉摸”或“令人困惑”的基本问题。此外,许多提议的系统都是基于尚未充分研究或理解其安全隐患的假设建立的。在本文中,我们没有提出另一个新的安全体系结构模型,而是尝试回答有关使用基于硬件的加密技术来保护软件执行的一些基本问题。这些问题包括:1)硬件加密是否必要? 2)每个进程的单个加密密钥是否足以提供当今复杂软件系统所需的灵活性,互操作性和兼容性? 3)OTP(一次性密码)与“惰性”认证相结合是否足以保护软件机密性? 4)是否可以使用较少的硬件资源来保护软件的完整性?最后,本文定义了离线攻击与在线攻击之间的区别,并提出了一种非常低的开销安全增强技术,可以比在线攻击将软件完整性的保护提高几个数量级。



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