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Some closed-form solutions of functionally graded beams undergoing nonuniform torsion


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Torsion of linearly elastic isotropic beams, with both cross-sectional and axial inhomogeneities, is analyzed. Twist (rate of torsional rotation along the beam axis) and warping of cross-sections are not uniform if arbitrary axial variations of elastic properties are considered. Composite beams undergoing nonuniform torsion are commonly investigated by finite and boundary element methods. New closed-form solutions are found in the present paper, by detecting axial distributions of longitudinal and shear moduli inducing an axially uniform warping field. The warping is evaluated by SAINT-VENANT beam theory, while twist and axial distribution of shear moduli are inversely proportional. Coordinate-free expressions of displacement, normal and shear stress fields are given for simply and multiply connected cross-sections. Exact solutions are obtained for elliptic and equilateral triangle beams, by assuming exponentially graded longitudinal and shear moduli. New benchmarks for numerical analyses are thus also provided. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:分析了具有横截面和轴向不均匀性的线性弹性各向同性梁的扭转。如果考虑到弹性特性的任意轴向变化,则扭曲(沿梁轴的扭转速度)和横截面翘曲将不均匀。通常通过有限元和边界元方法研究承受非均匀扭转的组合梁。通过检测引起轴向均匀翘曲场的纵向和剪切模量的轴向分布,在本文中找到了新的闭式解。变形通过SAINT-VENANT梁理论进行评估,而扭转模量和剪切模量的轴向分布成反比。对于简单和多重连接的横截面,给出了位移,法向和剪切应力场的无坐标表达式。通过假设指数级的纵向模量和剪切模量,可以获得椭圆形和等边三角形梁的精确解。因此,也提供了数值分析的新基准。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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