首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation >Necessary and sufficient conditions of full chaos for expanding Baker-like maps and their use in non-expanding Lorenz maps

Necessary and sufficient conditions of full chaos for expanding Baker-like maps and their use in non-expanding Lorenz maps


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In this work we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a discontinuous expanding map f of an interval into itself, made up of N pieces, to be chaotic in the whole interval. For N = 2 we consider the class of expanding Lorenz maps, for N = 3 a class of maps whose internal branches are onto, called Baker-like. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a discontinuous expanding map to be chaotic in the whole interval and persistent under parameter perturbations (robust full chaos in short). These classes of maps represent a suitable first return in non-expanding Lorenz maps. Thus the obtained conditions can be used to prove robust full chaos in non-expanding Lorenz maps. An example from the engineering application is illustrated. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在这项工作中,我们给出了一个必要且充分的条件,以使一个由N个片段组成的区间的不连续扩展图f自身在整个区间内变得混乱。对于N = 2,我们考虑扩展的Lorenz映射的类别,对于N> = 3,我们考虑内部分支位于其上的映射的一类,称为Baker-like。我们给出了一个不连续的扩张图在整个区间内是混沌的并且在参数扰动下持续存在的鲁棒的必要和充分条件(简称鲁棒的全混沌)。这些类别的地图代表了非展开式Lorenz地图中的适当第一个收益。因此,所获得的条件可用于证明非扩展的Lorenz映射中的鲁棒完全混沌。举例说明了工程应用程序中的一个示例。 (C)2018 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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